Monday, August 6, 2012

A.L.O.E. 08.05.12

A Little Of Everything a little bit late.  I was off doing other things in the non-weight loss world last night and hadn't gotten to write the A.L.O.E. post for Sunday.  I have pledged to write six entries a week or at least have six posts if a guest blogger comes along for the ride.  Here are a few snippets for our last session before weigh-in is officially posted on Monday night.

Crossfit Session #2
I originally had scheduled a my second session with my trainer for Thursday after work.  Unfortunately, I was tending to a debit card fraud that swallowed about 3 hours of my day on Thursday.  We rescheduled for Saturday morning.  I told Ryan, my trainer, that it was a good thing too because I was still a little sore in spots, particularly around my knees.  He went a little easy on me as a result... or at least easier than the previous sweat-a-thon.  We went through a scaled back version of what he had set out for me to accomplish.  I am guessing that I am one of his biggest clients and he is trying to find the sweet spot, pushing me beyond my perceived abilities to my actual capabilities.  All of the muscle fatigue I endured for the days following day one of the gym have subsided and I have new, but lesser, fatigue in other areas, mostly the abs.  The Wife said it is the lower abs and I shot back "Of course it is.  I am only working on a 3-pack to start."

Six Months Down
Monday August, 6 marks the six month anniversary of this endeavor for a new me.  Since it is a weigh-in day and that takes precedence over everything else, I will have a six month retrospective of facts and my figure.  Hard to believe it has been 182 days already.  

Cya later for the weigh-in results,

What I ate Sunday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 1.5 egg omelet with chicken andouille, tomato, reduced-fat provolone and one piece of whole grain toast scraped with Earth Balance Spread.  Decaf w/fat-free 1/2 &1/2
Lunch ~ Sliced roasted turkey, with tomato and mayo on a deli flat
Dinner ~ Porcini crusted skirt steak w/arugula salad 
Evening ~ 1.5 O'Douls while seeing my cousin Peter's awesome band, Almost Easy
Exercise ~ Yard work

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