Sunday, August 19, 2012

A.L.O.E. 08.19.12

I was just sitting on the couch with The Wife watching TV and realized I hadn't done tonight's post.  I guess there isn't much to say today, but I have a couple of things to jot down.  So tonight, it will be just A very Little Of Everything.

I had the great pleasure of visiting the new Yankee Stadium yesterday with my brother.  He is a Red Sox fan and I, a Yankees fan.  There's no accounting for taste, I know.  Unfortunately, the Yanks didn't come through for me, but what did come through was the city itself.  In New York City, all food items carry the caloric data right on the menu.  No matter how insignificant, there it is for all to see.  It was a very pleasant surprise.  I decided before arriving at the park that I was gong to enjoy the ballpark experience I recall, with a hot dog and a beer.  I was happy to see that a sixteen ounce Miller Genuine Draft is only 148 calories and the hot dog only 350.  So for what amounted to roughly the same intake I'd have for my regular lunch, I could deviate from my healthy path and indulge with just a little guilt.  The Cracker Jacks and peanuts were tempting, but having those numbers stare you in the face along with the $5.75 price, made it easy to just enjoy the great weather and very cool day with my bro.  For the record, Cracker Jacks were 420 calories and the peanuts blew me away with 1020.  Yikes!

Taking it in Stride
While in the Bronx yesterday, I did a decent amount of walking.  I used to dread these types of outings due to the fatigue brought on by the walking.  Yesterday, we parked about 4 blocks from the gate and I was able to stride quite purposefully and steadily the whole way to both the stadium and back to the car.  No panting, no discomfort.  Just a great feeling of well being and accomplishment.  I almost felt like I could have jogged.  Almost.  I am not there yet, but soon enough.

Cya for weigh-in on Monday,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 eggs, roasted peppers and vegan mozz on a whole grain tortilla wrap
Lunch ~ Tuna salad on a whole grain pita
Snack ~ A handful of smoked almonds and an iced decaf
Dinner ~ Lemon orzo chicken soup and a half smoked turkey sandwich
Exercise ~ About an hour of yard work

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