Downhill was perhaps worse than the climb. Trying to maintain an upright posture with shins now in harmony with the calves, traversing rocky paths down the slope was perhaps one of the hardest things I have done physically ever. Hence, Oct 10, 2008 goes down in infamy as the day my wife tried to kill me. (I know you weren't honey. Relax)
There is a point to this story being told here. Yesterday I spoke of relative good health. My rationalizing mind says that I am capable of being as active as I want to be. I just don't care to be all that active. But my my desires are in direct proportion to my abilities. If I truly take stock in things I would like to do, there are scores of activities I would love to experience with my wife and others that require far, far more stamina than I currently possess. A lighter, leaner me would be so much more apt to go skiing, hiking, biking, play softball, take long walks without cramping legs, not be afraid of heavy breathing from taking the stairs in the presence of others, or exploring new cities aimlessly. I so look forward to these things. It will add to my life experience and build pride I previously thought unattainable.
What I ate today:
Breakfast ~ a big bowl of Multi Grain Cheerios w/ banana and decaf coffee w/2 Tbs 1/2 & 1/2
Lunch ~ miso soup, seaweed salad, a yellow tail scallion roll and a salmon avocado roll
Mid afternoon snack ~ Starbucks' Skinny Decaf Caffe Mocha (while writing this)
Dinner ~ a big bowl of delicious homemade minestrone
Tomorrow I will write about how our perceptions of how others view us and how we view ourselves affects our self-esteem.
Gig tonight, so posting this early.
Cya tomorrow and thanks for coming along with me,
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