Friday, February 17, 2012

Move it AND Lose it

Show me a fat man that says he likes exercising and I will show you a liar or someone who stops at Mickey Dee’s on the drive home to reward himself.  Seldom does an industry, like fitness,  thrive and make so much money off of something that makes people so miserable.  Okay, so there are Dentists and Proctologists, but at least that is only a few times a year.  I know the feeling of accomplishment that comes from a successful exercise session, but while it is in progress, my god does it suck.  For me, the sense of pride that comes from knowing I sucked it up and walked micro-mini marathon just isn’t enough to make me want to go back.  Exercising is, in my warped view at least, a necessary evil.  Evil, because it is so hard.

I started this project on the 6th of February in the throes of a real bad back situation.  I have struggled with back issues for years, quite likely the result of my weight.  It’s gotten better over the last two weeks and I should really start to move.   Walking is going to be the best way for me to begin the process.  Being the middle of winter, it’s not the best time to be out and about, but I’m more inclined to do that than go to the Y or even worse a gym.  We do have a very expensive treadmill in the basement but the basement is about 20 blogs worth of explaining.  My days of excuses are behind me because the world is watching.  I owe it to me.  I owe it to my wife.  I owe it to the dozens of people who have enough interest in my life to take time from their busy day to check in on me here.  So for now, my neighbors will be seeing my smiling face walking by on a regular basis, muttering obscenities through the smiling teeth they see.  On the bright side, it will be an ever shrinking me.  Maybe Mike.2 will feel better about working out in a gym.
Let’s get interactive here.  I would love to see more comments.  I know you are out there reading because as of this Friday night we should top the 1000 page view mark.  (How cool is that?)  What do you do to exercise?  I want to hear from you! And please share this with your friends, family and collegues.  This isn't just about me.  It's about anyone who struggles with food.
Off to a gig at The Publick House in Chester, NJ.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today:
Breakfast ~ 2 eggs scrambled with roasted pepper, onion and tomato on a 7 grain English Muffin
Lunch ~ The 1/2 of veggie panini I didn't like yesterday with added roasted pepper, artichoke heart, and some lemon.  small side salad w/walnut more artichokes and lemon and some minestrone soup.
Mid-afternoon snack ~ Starbucks' decaf Skinny Caffe Mocha
Dinner ~ TBD  Writing this earlier due to our gig.


  1. I was a couch potato for 43 years. I quit smoking, got fat because the doctor said better being fat then being a smoker. Anyhows, in April of 2008 I started and it took me 15 minutes to walk a half mile on the treadmill. I lost the water weight in one week and then I stayed at about the same weight for about three weeks. Everyday I counted my calories and performed some sort of exercise (mostly cardio stuff). By about May, the weight just started pouring off and by August of that year I dropped the 60 pounds I wanted to. I then got a weight bench and started to put on muscle mass. I lost all my weight by counting calories and exercising. I still do it to this day. I now run everday with my average time per mile being 7 minutes and 15 seconds. I can bench press 210 pounds. I have run a half marathon in under 1 hour 35 minutes. I even do a little light boxing. I changed my entire lifestyle and now love working out and really like the person it made me become. My wife likes the ripped me alot better then the fat me. Now if I could only get my hair to grow back....but that is another story. Your doing great and if you want to hear more about my story just hit me up on FB. See ya. Jay Robinson.

    1. Great success story Jay. Congrats! I quit the smoking 6 years ago and don't miss it one iota. I do have the very occassional cigar with my bro. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. While I'm sure this will sound like an excuse, my issues are a bit different. I had surgery 3 years ago May for a herniated disk in my neck. Long story short, the Dr. screwed up the first surgery, did more damage the next night in the second surgery and left me learning to walk all over again. After 6 months of rehab, I was told to join a gym. I did. Hated it, and I hurt all the time. So after doing that for a year, I decided to just walk. Now, I walk at least 3x/week, sometimes up to 6x/week. Sienna forces me to get out and play ball, and take her walking, which makes me do it, regardless of my energy level or pain level. Walking is probably the best exercise out there. You have dogs - no excuse not to take them out and force yourself to walk too. I am enjoying your blog each day. Keep up the good work!

    1. Actually, the dogs are maniacs with the cars. beingherding dogs they go nuts when one drives by. I would love to take them on my walks but unfortunately they are insane. lol Glad you are moving and healthy Marcelle. hug Sienna for me and Tab. We miss the smartest foster dog we've had to date.

  3. Pump some motivating music/podcasts on your iPod! The hardest part of exercising is getting out the door, seriously! Download a pedometer and set a goal for how far you'll walk and try to do a little more each day or each week. Also get into the annoying habit of taking the stairs, parking far away, etc. Every little thing helps. That's all I got for now, keep goin!

    1. Thanks Carly. I may do just that. Funny how as a singer I really don't listen to that much music. I do however love my audiobooks. I imagine getting lost in a book might do the same thing. I supposed it's best to mix it up. Thanks for the support.

  4. I've recently discovered the joy of YOGA! It can be as light or as strenuous as you want and it brings such a feeling of profound well-being that I've never experienced before. It's also very diagnostic and therapeutic. It even makes me feel pampered, like after having a massage...
