So this week
my thoughts are about exercise, blog content and long-term planning. Exercise first. I am in a mental struggle about motivating myself
to do this movement thing religiously. As much as I
want to be healthier and burn off calories (Did you know you never actually burn off
fat cells? More on that another day), I equate
exercise with discomfort and boredom. I'm
trying to change my 'stinkin’ thinkin’' as someone i used to know would say. But it is gonna be freaking hard. Well, this whole thing is kind of hard so I will just add it to the 'suck it up' list.
Blog content
is bugging me a bit. I am doing my best
to provide insight into my journey as well as entertaining, informative content. A few weeks ago, in my inaugural post,
I said I would be doling out small bites.
Well, damnit, I am having trouble coming up with enough bites that
meet the above criteria. But the
writing is fun, cathartic and I know I am impacting some folks. I do hear from them and it puts me on top of the
world. Several of you have been giving
me potential material and I will be using much of it. I am truly grateful so please keep the suggestions coming. The daily writing thing is all new to me and I just need to get into a groove.
Enough on the blog content for now; let’s talk something long term.
I am
dreading having reconstructive surgery.
Like so many things, exercise, for example, I want to procrastinate. Avoid the unpleasant at all costs. I’ve been lucky to be fairly illness-free and, let's face it, surgery is downright
scary. But just today I realized that,
sooner rather than later, I should find a surgeon to get an initial
consult. It will be much easier if I
find out his/her opinion on when I should do it, whether it’s multiple procedures
or just one and how much money will I need for the whole shebang. That info will likely either relieve any stress I
have about the whole mess or amp it up considerably. Good thing I don’t let too much get to me.
Well, that's WIMHW for this week.
Oh, and I
did walk tonight. Right before I sat
down and wrote this, I walked 1 mile at exactly 3 MPH. That burned around 248 calories. If you want to know how many calories you
burn when walking, go here http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
What I ate
Breakfast ~
Kashi Vanilla Island cereal with skim milk, 1 banana, and toasted almonds.
Lunch ~ I
was into a work flow today and didn’t make time enough for an adequate
lunch. I had ½ an apple with about 1 Tb
of peanut butter. Shame on me.
~ Decaf iced coffee with skim milk
Dinner ~
Miso soup, a seaweed salad split with the wife and 2 Maki rolls (sushi) made
with brown rice. FYI, I wasn’t digging
the brown rice in rolls containing fish.
Ever thought of getting a trainer to help you exercise? Giving you specific exercises and a plan might help the motivation thing. And knowing you have an appointment with someone helps get you movin. I loved doing kettlebells- your mind is trying to figure out how to do it and you don't realize how much you're working your whole body. Just thinkin out loud... :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Carly. I'll consider that one. I'll have to see what kettlebells are too. New one on me.
ReplyDeleteWas wanting to say something every time I saw "half & half" in your coffees, but figured you'd switch it up eventually and who am I to critique--I've got my own food demons right? I am glad to see the skim milk tho... I've heard it makes a bigger impact than most people think.
ReplyDeleteRock on, bro.
You motivated me to get started Mike. Although I'm not quite as dedicated with the food (you really eat things I've never heard of, and I don't like veggies), I am cutting back significantly, and I forced myself out the door again this morning at 5:10 to walk Sienna. Not sure how well I'll do, but keep up the good work on your part. And your blogs are hysterical - the old ladies had me rolling.
ReplyDeleteKevin, always feel free to chime in and critique. First off thanks for the support and your input. I did have some 1/2 & 1/2 left in the fridge I wouldn't waste, but frankly, if someone wants to put a Tbs or 2 in their coffee and take 4 grams of fat away somewhere else, I don't have a problem with it. I'd rather find an alternative but it's about give and take to find balance in a new lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteMarcelle, bravo on the cutting back and I am honored greatly that I am playing a part in your health. Veggies are your friends. There has to be some of them you like or can like. I'll be covering food in my Thursday blog regularly. Hopefully you'll find some ideas.
You wrote that you equate exercise with discomfort, so... you are having trouble getting out of your comfort zone? Most of us who are not in the best shape got this way by choosing comfort over discomfort. The funny thing is that choosing short term comfort creates long term discomfort. Choosing short term discomfort (on a regular basis) creates long term comfort. It won't be easy. It won't be comfortable. It will be worth it. You can do this!
ReplyDeleteWhen I 'exercise' in places that I love, it doesn't feel like exercise. There's a stretch of woods I take the dogs to that is secluded enough to allow them off leash and not so secluded as to pose a safety risk. I am surrounded by such beauty and serenity in the surroundings while I also watch my adorable furkids frolic with complete abandon and before I know it, at least an hour has gone by and I've walked a couple of miles! Combining physical activity with something relaxing and spiritual at the same time works wonders.
ReplyDeleteThat was me, Tabitha, by the way!
ReplyDeleteHey Mike...btw Sizzler closed years ago....so keep in current.
ReplyDeleteThey were headed to Panera to have 1/2 soup & 1/2 salad...LOL!!!