Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Time to Reevaluate My Needs

If you read these pages with any regularity, you know that I don't make myself crazy over calories.  That is to say, I know roughly what I am taking in and how many I need per day, but a few more or less isn't worth going nuts over.  In fact, it can be very demotivating.  That being said, the model I have been using is becoming obsolete.

When I started this program I was 363.4 lbs. 48 years old and 5' 8" in height.  5' 8½" on a good hair day.  Depending on my activity levels, the Mayo Clinic calculator said that I would require 2900 - 3200 calories to maintain my girlish figure.  Okay.  It was a girl manatee's figure, but let's not split hairs.  I decided to lose 2-3 or so pounds per week, so I would take in 1500-2000 calories per day.  Given that a pound is equal to 3500 calories, that would yield 2.4 lbs. lost per week. 

Now, at 274 lbs. that same calculator says that I will only require 2300 to 2550 calories to maintain.  Ergo, in order to lose 2 lbs. a week, I need to either get closer to 1500 calories per day or make up something in exercise.  I guess exercising has to become more integrated into my lifestyle.  Shit.

I still won't make myself nuts over exact amounts of calories.  I don't want to live my life weighing food and obsessing over every calorie that goes down the hatch or every fraction of a fat gram.  The point of this whole thing is to live my life, not become a meticulous idiot that becomes anal over the smallest details.  So live I will.  And alas, exercise I must.

Now the fun begins, folks.  It only gets harder as we get closer to goal.

Cya next time,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Egg and sausage on a sandwich round and a slice of cateloupe
Lunch ~ Leftover Chinese food over brown rice
Dinner ~ BBQ boneless chicken thigh and roasted cauliflower with a rosemary mustard glaze
Blog writing beverage ~ Coffee with fat free half n half
Exercise ~ I set up the The Dreadmill again, since the Christmas tree is now gone.  Now to get on it.  Shit.

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