Friday, January 11, 2013

This Week in Food 01.11.13

So The Wife has been after me to eat more vegetables, especially raw.  I am sure she will comment below that there aren't any leafy greens here.  Well, honey, we had none.  My friends K&C have been doing smoothies in the mornings and I decided to take a cue from them and try one of my own for breakfast.  Might as well start the day with a bunch of fruit and veggie servings, rather than the same old cereal or eggs.  

I looked at my counter and spied bananas, a small apple on its way out and an avocado on the same bus: use 'em or lose 'em.  This was in the evening, so I had the forethought to chop up the banana and apple and pop them in the freezer.  The next morning I dragged out the Cadillac of all blenders, my sporty red Vitamix, and started to forage for the rest.  Looking for more nutrition than overall flavor, I plucked from the crisper a carrot, some broccoli, cucumber, a red bell pepper and a handful of parsley.   Was parsley going to bring much to the nutrient party?  Who knows?  Throw it in.

First the carrots and broccoli would need some pureeing, so I chopped them into workable bits, added my unsweetened almond milk and gave them a whiz.  Then all of the other ingredients, plus some honey, went into the pool and after a thousand or so laps around blender, yielded my breakfast and then some.  I was never very good and eyeing portions when blending smoothies, so this recipe is for two.  The second portion went in the fridge for the following day.  Here is a tip.  It's nowhere near as good the next day.  But to my surprise, the concoction was darn tasty when freshly blended.  It certainly wasn't much to look at, but the taste was pleasant and not vegetal at all.  I knocked out around 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables before 9AM and it held me all morning.  I think I will be doing this a few times per week, when my schedule permits.

While I usually post my recipes in a different format, I decided to post the nutritional info and ingredients instead.  Enjoy!
What I ate Thursday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Leftover smoothie
Lunch ~ Homemade turkey chili over brown rice, with one Tbs of low fat sour cream to calm the five alarm chili
Dinner ~ Rotiserrie chicken in marinara over whole grain penne
Exercise ~ none...I know, I know

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