Sunday, May 13, 2012

A.L.O.E. Mother's Day 05.13.12

Happy Mother's Day to all, especially to my Mom and all around good cook, Cathie.  While my mother may not be the healthiest cook around, she knows her way around the kitchen and helped shape the person that types on the subject, here today.  Plus, she is trying and succeeding in improving her own dietary habits.  Kudos, Mom.  This is Sunday, so it's A Little Of Everything.  Topics too short for my regular blog posts.

It Ain't  in My Blood
What isn't in my blood?  If you said excessive cholesterol, you are a winner.  I just got my blood workup back on Thursday evening and it was pretty much what I expected.  Some have called me a moron in the past.  You can call me, Oxymoron, because I continue to be the healthiest fat guy you know.  I have to get the specifics from the lab, but the overall cholesterol score is 131.  Doc Levy told me the HDL and LDL numbers and said they were good.  I didn't jot down the particulars, but I'll have them to you shortly.  Triglycerides were in check, vitamins were almost all good and other benchmarks they use to determine your health were A-okay.  The only ding was a low level of vitamin D.  The norm is between 30 and 45.  Mine was way down to 14.  The dairy I've cut out may have had something to do with that.  I'll be supplementing with some D capsules and have 1000 - 2000mg per day.  PS, My blood pressure last week was 92/62 or something in that vicinity.  Yay, me.

Cleaner Shirts
Your mother always taught you to put your napkin on your lap when you were growing up.  For my money, it should have been called a lapkin.  But I could never put one in my lap because, frankly, I ain't got no lap.  Which is why my laptop is misnomer in and of itself.  There is a large protrusion of belly and man-maries blocking the path food would take on it trip down to a napkin.  I've always tucked my napkin into my belt, so as not to seem like a cafone (gavone to some).  Since losing my 45 or so lbs., I seem to have cleaner shirts.  Food doesn't have as much of an impedance on the way down to the napkin as it used to.  That, and I can get closer to the table.  End result, fewer ruined shirts.  Now if I can just get a lap, so my pants don't get so messy.  ;)

Recovered Real Estate
I've recovered some coveted real estate in the last three months.  That would be in my waistline.  About a month ago, I was perusing belts online and was going to order a reversible black/brown model, 2 inches smaller than my, then, belt size.  It was a good thing that I didn't pull the trigger on that purchase, because I blew by that number and as of now, I am 6 inches smaller than my TDT195 starting waste size of 62.

Cya tomorrow for weigh-in #14,

What I ate today and how I exercised:

Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/banana, strawberry, toasted nuts and unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Lunch ~ My take on an Italian sub, with lean organic turkey and ham, sweet pickled peppers, mixed greens and sweet pea shoots on a multi-grain wrap, w/red wine vinaigrette
Dinner ~ Tab and I went out for a Mother's Day meal.  I started with my favorite Tom Yum soup, and then enjoyed a Happy Family, which is a lightly sauced combo of beef, chicken, pork, scallops, shrimp and veggies.  Brown rice on the side.
Dessert ~ Fat free Choboni Peach Greek yogurt
Exercise ~ Aside from 45 minutes of walking around the supermarket, I was coming off 4 hours of basement/garage cleaning and 4 hours on my feet at our gig last night.  I needed a rest.

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