Capacity on the Decline
Of course the amount of food I can put away is far less than before I had my bypass surgery, but as I put on weight over the years, I could eat far more than I thought possible post-op. Lately though, I noticed I get fuller much quicker. Tonight for instance, the wife was taking her turn making dinner and we were having whole grain pasta. When asked how much I wanted, I said 4oz. I knew a serving is supposed to be 2oz., so I am not sure why I said 4. Sure enough, half way through I started to feel full. Old habits sure do die hard. I finished the whole plate. I am feeling some shame over that. I know better and I would like to think I have more control this far in. The devil on my shoulder is rearing his ugly head once again. The positive thing is that I know and acknowledge the fact now. Smaller transgressions is progress I suppose.
Speak of the Devil
Speaking of the devil on my shoulder, one thing I have been aware of this week is a faint desire to eat more, drink more and just stray from the path in general. It's typical of past patterns in my history. I am creeping up on my own perceived milestone of minus 50 lbs. Possibly it's the same defect that cause me to put weight on and pack it in in the face of success 7 years ago. My new sense of defiance against the devil will carry me through this time. Awareness makes it somewhat easier, but it still is a issue. At least these days if I am overdoing things a bit, it is overdoing it on the healthy stuff and not crap.
In a Pickle
I mentioned this past Sunday that I made three batches of pickles. Sweet 'n hot carrot sticks, mild sweet pickles and gardiniera, which is a staple on sandwiches on Chicago. It is a combo of pickled carrots, celery and cauliflower. I am thrilled with the results of my first attempt at this technique. Tomorrow I will bring you the recipe for Mike's Sweet Fire Sticks. They took all of 20 minutes to make and after 2 days in the fridge, these sweet and hot carrots have a wonderful basil undertone. Make these for your Memorial Day spread.
Cya tomorrow for the recipe,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi 7 Grain Nuggets w/banana, toasted pecans and unsweetened almond milk
Lunch ~ Grilled Salmon over greens w/balsamic vinaigrette on the side
Mid-Afternoon ~ Decaf and skim w/cinnamon and some dry roasted almonds
Dinner ~ Whole grain pasta with marinara, vegan 'meat' crumbles and a side salad
Exercise ~ I headed to the mall and squoze in a quick walk this afternoon
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