The basic premise of this blog is: If you do what you know in your own head to be right, the weight will come off. Most everyone knows when they are doing something unhealthy. Whether it is smoking, drinking to excess, eating the wrong foods, like fast food or fat and salt-laden snack foods or not getting the proper nutrients in your body, we all pretty much know. Yes there are times when we are tricked into thinking what we are eating is nutritious, but for the most part, nature has armed us with enough smarts to know what to do. Why are 40% of Americans obese? We choose to be. We choose to ignore our inner voice. I simply chose to end that cycle for myself. In combining the free exchange of ideas with an open confessional of sorts and the element of accountability that TDT195 offers, I believe I have created something special here. Something you are all a part of. So, my successes are yours as well. You help me everyday, even if I don't know who you are. I thank you with all my heart.
Here are some facts and figures from the first 100 days of the blog. I doubt anyone will get as much of a kick out of this as I do, but today I indulge myself with this pat on the back, my cyber "Atta Boy!"
Weight Related Info
- On Day 1, February 6, 2012, I weighed in at 363.4 lbs.
- On May 14, 2012 I weighed in at 317.6 lbs.. A total, thus far, of 45.8 lbs (as of Monday 5/14) or 28.5% of my goal.
- So far, I have averaged 3.206 lbs. lost per week.
- As my goal is 195 lbs. by my 50th birthday, on January 12, 2014, I have 603 days left.
- In order to hit my target, I will need to lose 1.212 lbs. per week. No problem.
- I have lost about 6 inches in my waist in the 100 days.
- I no longer need the aid of a C-PAP Flex machine to sleep. We still keep it on for the soothing white noise though.
- I have posted all but one day*. Valentines Day was the "No Post Post". I have since not allowed myself to miss a prescribed day of writing.
- In the 99 posts, there have been 15 recipes. I hope you have tried some. They are pretty tasty.
- As of the time of this writing, the blog has had 6411 page views from all over the world.
- Readers of the blog have hailed from 10 countries, including, Canada, The UK, Germany, China, Latvia, Vietnam, South Korea and Russia
- The most read posts have been "My Wife Tried to Kill Me on 10/08/08" and "Size Does Matter", proving that sensationalism sells.
- No fewer than 12 people have contacted me to say how TDT195 has inspired them to pursue or continue in their own quest for a healthier lifestyle. To know that this initiative is living up to its intended purpose of reaching beyond my own little world, means everything to me.
- I just realized something writing these facts. Since I decided to take Saturdays off two weeks ago, the 100th day was actually 2 days ago. I forgot that the blog entries no longer coincide with the actual days. HAHAHAHA..oops!
Have a great weekend! I'll cya Sunday,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi 7 Grain Nuggets w/strawberries, banana and unsweetened almond milk
Lunch ~ I gave into the hot dog's siren song and bought a pack of Hebrew Ntl. Low Fat Franks. Only 40 calories each, with 1 gram of fat (I think). I had 2 in a whole grain wrap with pickles, onions and mustard. Out of a scale of 1-10, it was a 6. Hot dog fix reasonably sated, with just 230 calories, 2g fat and 7g fiber.
Snack ~ Carrots and homemade red pepper hummus (see Food Thursday 05.03.12)
Dinner ~ TBD...likely sushi
Exercise ~ I had to come back and adjust this. I didn't get out to walk as this post took a while. Shame on me, as my wife says.
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