Hello again, weight loss fans. I've been wicked busy with work and going about life, so we are getting this off a tad ate tonight. It was a good week and I was active and ate right. The results bore this all out.
This lovely jpeg here shows the scale at 260.4, which is a 2.2 lb. loss for the week and a grand total of 103.0 lbs down. Body fat went down and water weight went up in appropriate amounts. It's that simple.
Short and sweet this week.
Cya next time,
I guess it is official now. I have lost over 100 lbs. since the start of this whole thing back on February 6th 2012. That also means that someone has won a free Magic Bullet Blender, courtesy of TDT195. Most everyone thought that this day would come much earlier, but the closest prognostication was from my cousin Vince Ferrara with his guess of February 2nd. Enjoy your Bullet, VJ. I use mine almost daily and it is indispensable.
Today only showed a 1 lb. loss, bringing me to a total of 100.8 lbs. shed. Not what I had hoped for this week, but progress, nonetheless. Body fat dropped 0.2 to 39.2% and water rose the same to 43.7%
I am exactly 2 months away from 5kfoamfest, so I will be walking daily. Today was around the lake, which I have recently found out that I had the wrong distance on. It is actually 2.5 miles exactly, not the 2.8 I originally thought. I did that loop in 45.5 minutes and will be keeping track of my times. For those of you reaching for your calculators, I will save you the trouble. It was a pace of 3.22 mph. Roger Bannister I ain't.
Cya next time,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Cereal with fruit and almond milk
Lunch ~ Leftover chicken enchilada (see recipe HERE)
Snack ~ 2 carrots with hummus
Dinner ~ 2 oz of whole grain penne with homemade sauce and veggie crumbles, salad with homemade vinaigrette made with a Magic Bullet, of course!
Exercise ~ 2.5 miles walking in 45.5 minutes.
Someone asked me the other day if I will be super-psyched to go over the minus 100 lb. mark. It didn't take me long to respond. My answer? Nope. Here was my reply: "First off I know in
reality that I am already 220 lbs lighter than 10 years ago and 120 lighter than
20 months ago. I've been around this weight more or less in the past and put it back on again. That being said, no time to celebrate. There is much farther to go."
For that exact reason, I didn't freak out today when I hit the scale and it told me that I was at minus 99.8 lbs. A measly 0.2 lbs away from the magic (or what other people see as magic) 100. maybe I should have got more of a haircut last week or clipped my nails first. There wasn't going to be a ticker tape parade anyway, so I soldier on. I'm happy with the progress this week. I lost 3.6 lbs. and exercised pretty much daily. Body fat dropped to 39.4 % (a 0.6% decrease) and water weight rose 0.4% to 43.5.
I will stay the course with exercising this week. It will be tough, because work is jam packed, but it's worth it to make time. Next Monday, when I cross the 100 mark via my weigh-in, I will announce the winner of a free Magic Bullet blender that was promised way back when. Almost all the guesses thought I would cross the finish line much sooner than I did. I knew it would be longer, but frankly not this long. This is all about slow weigh loss, life changes and permanent health. I'm doing it right this time.
Cya next time,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Egg McMuffin and coffee
Lunch ~ A chopped salad with turkey, ham and a bunch of assorted veggies
Snack ~ Carrots and hummus
Dinner ~ Broiled salmon, spinach, cauliflower with sweet potatoes and chick peas in a madras curry and brown rice pilaf.
Exercise ~ The 2 mile 30 minute walk video
How many of you played Little League Baseball, softball or any sport as a youth? If you did, you inevitably sustained a minor injury only to be told "Walk it off!" Well, that phrase is back in my life. Not because of injury, knock wood, but because these days I am walking off the pounds...or at least that is the plan.
As you may know, I have committed to participating in the 5K Foamfest (click for link) in June. I am mindful to say "participate" because I am not delusional enough to think I can run it. 5 kilometers isn't that far. For those of you that are metrically challenged, 5 kilometers is about 3.1 miles, but add in the obstacles that this event throws at you along the way and it will be a victory way beyond the 5K I set out to do in my Dreaming Bigger list from May 15th of last year. I am far from prepared, so get ready...I walk, and I walk, and I walk.
Last week I decided something everyone else knew before. Okay, I knew it too. I chose to ignore it that I need to exercise more. I'm certain that movement will propel me past this lull in my weight loss. So I set a goal to walk 5 days last week. I did miss the mark in the number of days by doing only 4, but one day I doubled up. I will count it as a win. This week my goal is to walk each and every day.
What am I doing? Nope. It's not The Dreadmill. I will use that from time to time to mix things up. What I am doing is a combination of walking around the lake I live by (2.8 miles) and a series of videos by a woman named Leslie Sansone. When you check out these videos you will surprised to know that this lady is herself 51 years young. I am not sure when they were filmed, but I am fairly sure it wasn't that long ago.
There are several Sansone videos available on YouTube and I highly recommend that you check them out. These are designed to give you 1, 2, 3 miles or more in 15 minute increments. If you are relatively new to exercising, I think the 15 minute mile is a good basic workout. I didn't find it at all challenging and went to the 2 mile, but if you can make 15 minutes each day to do this, you will be far better off than doing nothing. Today I tried the 3 miler and, man, it really did get my heart working and I felt like I had really accomplished something. Below are links to the 1, 2 and 3 mile walks, all endorsed by The American Heart Association.
1 Mile Walk
2 Mile Walk
3 Mile Walk
What I love about this exercise regimen is that it doesn't depend on the weather, costs nothing, and you can do it in your own living room or den with about 6-7 feet of space. It works many muscle groups and incorporates pretty simple moves. There are no complicated dance steps, nor Richard Simmons in tight shorts creeping you out with his oldies and his sweat.
Let me know if you try these. I am glad they came my way and will go a long way to getting me ready for my June 22nd challenge.
Cya next time for a stuffed pepper recipe,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 eggs, lean ham and very thin multi-grain toast
Lunch ~ Chopped salad with cubed turkey, spring greens, roasted peppers and fat-free feta
Dinner ~ A left over stuffed pepper and about 1 oz. of whole grain pasta.
Exercise ~ Click on the 3 Mile Walk video link above to see what I did today.
One might think that I am putting off making good on the 100 lbs. lost pool giveaway for a free Magic Bullet. Well, I am not. I would very much like to push past this lull in my weight loss and give that darn thing away. The truth is I'm just stuck. I'm okay with it. This week I actually posted a slight gain, but the rest of the numbers look okay, so what the hey.
Escali here says I gained 1.2 lbs. in the last seven days, bringing the grand total back to 95.8 lost. I am optimistic all the same, because I have been exercising regularly and it will all work out. The body fat held the line at an even 40% this week and the water percentage grew by 0.1% to 43.1. Could the difference be muscle mass? I'll go try to bend some steel bars over my head or crack walnuts with my butt and let you know how it all works out. Either way, I'm in a good place.
I have some stuff to share with y'all, so I will try (famous last words, I know) to get out a post or two this week on my exercise efforts and recipes.
'til then... cya,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 eggs, some lean ham and multi-grain toast
Lunch ~ chicken and avocado sandwich on the same bread as above
Dinner ~ chicken with cashews, some fried rice and hot and sour soup.
Exercise ~ Today it was a 30 minute walking video I highly recommend. Me and the American Heart Association, that is. You can chose your poison. Today's was the 2 mile version found here (2 mile walk)
I had really planned to make this whole post about how I am fed up and can't deal with this anymore. Sure there are those days, but life is not all sunshine and roses, right? Instead of the post I intended to write about the significant weight gain this past week, I will go easy on you. If you came here by way of my facebook feed, then April Fool! I'm still at it and recorded a slight loss for the week. No worries. I am still committed to 195.
The scale here shows that I lost a whopping 0.6 lbs. and the total reduction is now 97.4 lbs. Water weight and body fat figures are on my phone, which is dead and charging, but take my word for it. They didn't change much. What did change is that I exercised a lot more in the last seven days. I hope to keep that up moving toward my 5K Foamfest event in June.
That's all for now and thanks for stopping by,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Ham and two eggs
Lunch ~ Turkey and reduced fat provolone on a multi-grain wrap
Snack ~ 1 banana
Dinner ~ Tom Yum soup and a vegetarian sushi roll.
Exercise ~ The only exercise today was the exercising of good judgement in not killing the people at H&R Block who did our taxes. There is more to this story for another time and place.