The Weigh-in
I am very touched my the outpouring of responses to yesterday's weigh-in. If I came off somewhat sullen, then I do have to apologize. Yes, I was disappointed, but I know I'm on the right path. The many emails, Facebook messages and comments on the blog have bolstered my resolve. While I do love hearing from those near and dear to me, hearing from folks I don't know really gets my spirits up. I had multiple confirmations that, from a dietary standpoint, I seem to be on track. Some feel, perhaps, I do not eat enough calories, but I am pretty confident that the 1200-1500 I consume each day suit me more than fine. I am just chalking up the slight uptick as a bump in the road and I'm all over this mutha once again. Bring on that scale, Monday! Oh crap...only six days this week. :~o
A week or so ago, I mentioned that I would be setting aside time each day to visualize the new me. It hasn't exactly been time 'set aside', but rather snippets while driving during the day or as I drift off at night. I also have been using this as a mechanism to fend off thoughts of straying from the program. If I am in the car and I think that I might want something sweet or fat-laden, I picture a slimmer, more active Mike. Things that I visualize myself doing are playing tennis, running, golfing (which I already do via a cart, but with much effort needed), working out at a gym with no pitiful glances coming my way and playing softball or basketball. I picture myself in nicer clothes with a slim waste. I look down and see my feet, for a change. Here is one folks take for granted. I picture myself just sitting with one leg crossed over the other. All simple, mundane things that many people don't think twice about. These are the things I dream about. I visualize the place where this drive is leading to. I find doing this exercise helps me stay focused, especially when in those temptation ridden moments.
Walking Club!
The time has come people. I am starting a walking club. A number of you have said, "I want to walk with you. Just tell me when or where." Well the 'when' is starting this Saturday at 11AM. I will add Sundays to the agenda, perhaps after my taxes get done this Sunday. The 'where' is Giralda Farms in Madison, NJ. We will meet on Loantaka Way, just off Madison Ave. (Route 124). I will get there about 10:45AM and the plan is to walk 2 miles at a leisurely pace. If you want to do less, that's cool too. I generally take a 2-3 minute breather after a mile or so. I will try to map out exactly how far it is around Giralda Farms prior to the weekend. Understand, this is AROUND Giralda Farms, not in the complex. If you would like to join us please email me at thedriveto195@gmail.com and I will give you my cell number in case of changes or anyone getting lost.
Cya tomorrow for Food Thursday,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Grape-nuts cereal w/fresh blueberries, a banana and unsweetened almond milk
Lunch ~ A huge salad with mixed greens, grape tomatoes, carrots, cukes, radishes and toasted pumpkin seeds in a homemade chipotle lime dressing.
Dinner ~ A 100 calorie mushroom and herb crusted steak. (They sell these 100 calorie steaks in Stop 'n Shop) with roasted cauliflower and kabocha squash.
Exercise ~ none today
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