My walk was going fine today. I planned to do a quick mile, before heading home for the night. About half way through, I noticed a now distantly familiar sensation. My hands started to feel slightly swollen, I started sweating profusely and I had a tingly feeling all over. No. It wasn't a heart attack. It's been months since I've experiences this, but my old friend, dumping syndrome, seemed to revisit me. In case you missed the post where I spoke of it, it is a side effect of my surgery. A drop in blood sugar, due to the dumping of insulin into your system. This is usually brought on by too many carbs. My lunch was a brown fried rice dish, which wasn't likely the culprit. My guess is that the highly skilled folk at Starbucks, missed the 'skinny' part of my skinny latte order this afternoon. Thanks a million, you pierced, greasy haired, slack jawed P.O.S.! You couldn't done far worse damage if you had served that to a full blown diabetic. To remedy my situation, I got myself some apple juice at the mall's coffee kiosk (No. Not another Starbucks. They are on my S-list.). I drank half, because I didn't want the extra calories from a whole bottle's worth. By the time I got to my car and some napkins to swap my now sweat soaked head, all was okay.

Last week I quipped that my body fat was down a 'staggering' 0.1%. That was indeed said tongue-in-cheek, but today I was astounded when I saw 0.5% gone. Body fat % is now at 61.7%. I must say, I am impressed with that kind of progress in a week. As this is only my third time checking body fat %, I have no basis for this wonderment, but let me bask in my ignorance for a while.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Multi Grain Cheerios w/fresh strawberries, banana and unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Lunch ~ A moo shu basil roll and vegan 'pork' fried brown rice
Mid -afternoon ~ Grande supposedly skinny latte
Dinner ~ Broiled chicken breast over braised kale and cannellini beans. Tasty!
Exercise ~ .75 miles at the mall
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