Sunday, June 3, 2012

A.L.O.E. 06.03.12

Where does the time go?  It's June already.  The first Sunday in June to be precise.  Sunday is A Little Of Everything day in these parts.  And today, that is just what you will get... a little.  It's been a long day here at the TDT195 ranch and I have been out tending to the fields.  Okay.  So it's a small lawn.  But I worked VERY hard today and I have blisters all over my hands, so typing is not comfortable.  I'll be brief today.

A big round of applause for Brother Bill.  My much older and less handsome brother decided to join in on the fitness train and lose some weight of his own.  He told me today that he has dropped 25 lbs. thus far.  I am hugely proud of you, bro!  Not only are you making great choices, but also steering the family's eating habits in the right direction as well.  Thanks for reading everyday and listening to your little brother.  It means more than you know.

Hoe Hoe Hoe
As mentioned above, I was out in the yard, not only today, but for the better part of the last two days.  Mother nature pitched in and gave me rain the night before to loosen the soil and cool breezes to make the raking, thatching, hoeing, mowing and seeding go easier.  I have to say, I feel much better than I expected to.  I really thought I would feel like a wrung out wet dish rag after two days of acting like I was on a chain gang.  But other than the blistered hands, I feel pretty good.  Amazing what dropping a toddler's worth of weight will do.

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Out of my normal cereal choices this morning, I opted for the wife's All Bran, with fresh strawberries, toasted pecans, a pack of Splenda and skim milk.  I was wondering how she ate this stuff, let alone kept it down...and then I got sick, literally.  It wasn't the damp packing material I was eating.  Perhaps the strawberries went south on me.  Oh well.
Lunch ~ Tuna salad, with apple, pickle, celery and lite mayo on a sprouted grain roll
Dinner ~ Rotisserie chicken over salad greens with my chipotle lime dressing and toasted pepitas
Exercise ~ In addition to the 4 hours of hard labor yesterday, I put in 4.5 more today.

1 comment:

  1. You have my permission to lie about your older and much less attractive brother! Tom Selleck references allowed. (If you're gonna fib, WTF, go for it!) thanks for the props, bro. Had a great little chat in LL Bean's today. Told the lady at the checkout, "three months ago, you didn't stock these pants in my size." "Really?" she replied, "We don't carry them in larger sizes today." "Well.." grinning... "I wasn't this size three months ago!" Good stuff. Feeling much better. Thanks for the great example.

