Friday, June 22, 2012

Hydrotherapy for a Food Thursday 06.21.12

Not hydrotherapy in the sense of swimming.  We're talking about hydrating yourself here.  Water is a basic building block of all food, so it fits right in with our Thursday theme.  I, for one, need to drink a lot more of it.  I am not one of those people that doesn't like water.  I never understood them.  Over the years I have heard varying amounts on what our daily intake of water should be.  No matter what the prevailing conventional wisdom, it's probable that you aren't getting enough.  Drink up.  Here are some benefits to help sway you to more H2O consumption.

1: Lose Weight ~ Drinking more water helps flush out the byproducts of fat breakdown.  It helps fill you up and can act as an appetite suppressant.  If you are trying to eat less at meals, have a big glass of water prior to dining and see what that does to your levels of food intake.

2: Better Skin ~ Yet another reason I need to drink more.  Water improves the health of your skin by moisturizing, aiding in tissue replenishment and increasing elasticity.  If you have a great deal of weight to lose, helping that skin hang less will be a huge benefit. Plus, it can help reduce wrinkles.

3: Brain Power ~ Your brain is made up of 75% water, so it makes sense that when you are properly hydrated it will work better.  You will be have increased concentration, be more alert and improve your mood.  If you have been dehydrated, you probably know that your brain turns flaky and your coordination goes down the tubes.  Feed your brain...with water!

4: Lubricate Muscles ~ Exercise is essential to weight loss, right?  Well, if you aren't properly hydrated, cramps will keep you from doing anything worthwhile.  By keeping your muscles well lubricated with H2O, you will steer clear of those agonizing charlie horses and aid in avoiding sprains.

5: Possible Reduction of Certain Cancers ~ Drinking water can improve colon and bladder health.  Water dilutes cancer-causing agents and flushes them out of the system quicker, reducing the time they are in contact with your organs.

6: Water Instead of Less Healthy Options ~ If you are choosing nature's purest beverage, then you are avoiding drinks that are bad for you.  Concoctions laden with sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, lactose and a host of other lesser options are usually what we reach for when thirsty.  With zero calories, fat or anything else for that matter, water is the perfect choice to quench your thirst.

These are just a few of the reasons why we should all drink more water.  There are many more.  If you have any that are not listed here, feel free to leave them in the comments section for the rest of us.  

It's hot out there today. Stay hydrated.

Cya later,

What I ate Thursday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 7 Grain Kashi Nuggets w/banana, fresh blueberries, toasted pecans and almond milk
Lunch ~ A HUGE salad with tuna and assorted veggies w/homemade lemon balsamic vinaigrette
Dinner ~ None.  I often don't eat dinner when we have a gig.  I I did, however, have an O'Douls and a few pretzels at the bar.
Exercise ~ It's good exercise being a roadie and singing for a few hours.

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