It seems everywhere I turn someone mentions a weight loss methodology that they are into, their cousin had success with or some TV show did a piece on. I know I just ended a sentence with a preposition, but gimme a break. I'm doing this my way, right?
One such craze is The Paleo Diet. The Paleo Diet much resembles an Atkins or South Beach approach: high protein, low carb. The idea is that one can lose weight and be healthy by eating what our prehistoric ancestors did, much protein and vegetables, but no grain or dairy. In addition, the premise as I understand it is that copious amounts of exercise go with the diet, in the style of man's knuckle-dragging fore-bearers. I guess it was hard work hunting and gathering and the extra protein fed the killing paleo machine. It's just not for me. My foraging is mostly at Whole Foods and navigating the crowded produce isle with screaming brats running amok takes less out of me than taking down a mastodon.
One of the biggest things I want everyone to take away from this project is that we don't really need someone else to tell us what is good for us and what is bad. No, it isn't all that black and white. There are exceptions, but for the most part each of us has something inside of our heads that is telling us to put down the donut and pick up an apple. There are many traps set up behind millions of marketing dollars intent on selling us on garbage food in sheep's clothing, so that is where a little more education is needed. Other than that, there is a guru lying in wait in all of us. I am of the mind that the average Joe and Jane know when the devil on their shoulder is peddling bullshit. We just, all too often, choose to give into it.
This doctrine is at the core of my no B.S. lifestyle. Susan Powter had it right back in 1993. "Stop the insanity!" was her rallying cry. I recall her pushing people to eat a lot of baked potatoes. Her approach may have been a little misguided in my opinion, but the catchphrase was quite apt. Just quit it. Cut out the crap.
So when someone suggests that I adopt the teachings of another, I say thanks, but no thanks. I choose to believe in myself, rather than a stranger with a public relations team and an image consultant. I'll channel my inner nutritionist and make better choices. The money I could have spent on their program can go toward organic veggies and meats. I'll do it my way.
Cya next time,
What I ate Tuesday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Rushing to a meeting, I ate at Chez Rest Stop. I had a Met RX protein bar and a Vitamin Zero Water
Lunch ~ 1/2 of a southwest chicken wrap with black beans and a side salad
Dinner ~ I ate way too much. Business dinner out with a broiled seafood extravaganza, some olives, portobello mushrooms, a slice of wheat bread and even a wine. I enjoyed some lobster and crab, even without the swim in butter. Lemon was enough. I needed a nap afterward. The most I've eaten in months.
Exercise ~ Nothing Tuesday. I could've used a walk after the big meal, but what I wanted was a nap.
awesome Mike! you are so right on this one.. problem for me is that i just don't have that discipline...yet.... glad to see you keeping at this journey.. you're doing great!
ReplyDeletemary ann