We have been brought up to look at food for celebration, communion, an offering of a gift, to a lesser degree nutrition and also a means of comforting ourselves. Comfort is one of the most dangerous for a food addict. It's something that is always available for you, even when people aren't. You can get it anywhere. If you are stressed or just plain bored, you can settle into your poison of choice and shovel it in. It could be chips, chocolate, ice cream, cake, fast food, whatever.
Food addicts do not need a reason to eat, but stress helps us justify it in our own warped minds as a "legitimate" reason. I have found it's one of the hardest triggers to overcome in my recovery. This past week has been a total stress test for my resolve. So far, so good, but it hasn't been easy.
Work as a sales professional is often challenging, especially when you work on total commission. Aside from some serious fires that needed to be put out at key customers, I found a huge return on the books for something I was paid on eight months ago. That's money that comes off the top of my next check. Significant money. It goes with the job, but you never get used to those surprises.
Tuesday evening my wife was complaining of some discomfort and progression of some symptoms that she was experiencing for a few days. When she tried to get some sleep, it wasn't happening, due to the issues. It was time to get her to he E.R. So at around 11:30PM on Tuesday we entered Morristown Medical Center and went through the typical tests. At around 4:30AM, we were told they wanted to observe her and I went home to try and get some sleep. That would be far from fitful rest. I returned to MMC at around 11AM the next morning, just in time for a specialist to see her. While he said she looked good, he wanted to run a bunch of blood tests to possibly get to the root of the problems. She feels better now, yet we still have no answers. The blood tests should be back by Wednesday of this coming week. We should know more soon after. Hopefully she will continue to feel better.
When the stress train rolls into town, it's hard to keep your head. The battle in my head that makes me want to do a faceplant into meatlover's with extra cheese is stress upon stress. Last night I did a boatload of cooking of healthy food, so that I could have something to dig into that was far less harmful than death by pizza. There is a big batch of minestrone (recipe this Thursday) and a pot of 99% lean turkey chili in the fridge, waiting to nourish me, instead of sending me into a food coma.
I'm still trying to figure out what my relationship will be with food moving forward in my healthier life and repourpose how I use it. It will be crucial to my survival as a fit, healthy person. I guess it is like they say. One day at a time.
Cya Sunday,
What I ate Friday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax Granola w/ 1/2 a banana and almond milk
Lunch ~ Some chicken and Cliff Bar
Dinner ~ Steak, mashed parsnips and potatoes and a bowl of homemade minestrone
Exercise ~ 20 minutes on the treadmill
Driving my weight down from 363.4 to 195. Come along for the ride!
Most Popular Posts
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Food Thursday: 09.27.12
It's our time together to discuss food once again. Today happens to be a recipe day. A few weeks ago I was watching TV and there was a BBQ show featuring all sorts of low and slow cooked meat. I'm a sucker for tender smokey pork or brisket. I got to thinking that I should be able to do a healthier version of pulled pork and still get that sweet and sour smokey taste, yet retain a succulent juicy mouth-feel, usually provided by the fat. The secret for me would be the crock pot, resulting in moist porky goodness with 87% less fat than a traditional recipe.
A trip to the Coscto provided a good source of lean pork in the form of a sirloin tip pork roast. This is branded under the Kirkland name, but made by Swift Premium and has only 100 calories per 4 oz. and 1.5g per serving as opposed to the traditional pork butt, which has 198 calories and 12g of fat in the same portion.
I'm not a sauce snob. I like most bottled sauces, especially Sweet Baby Ray's. The problem with bottled sauces is often the high fructose corn syrup, preservatives and dies used. From a caloric standpoint, my sauce below is practically identical, with around 70 calories in 2 Tbs. I just like knowing that I made it, it tastes good and I know what's in it. If you chose to use a bottled sauce, it will save you a little time, but I think it is worth the small amount of effort to produce your own.
Serve this on a whole grain roll with pickles, slaw and some sauce on the side. It's one of those meals that is great for days to come, or to put on a buffet, right in the crock pot it was cooked in.
Crock Pot Pulled Pork with Coffee BBQ Sauce
serves 8
Pulled Pork Ingredients
A trip to the Coscto provided a good source of lean pork in the form of a sirloin tip pork roast. This is branded under the Kirkland name, but made by Swift Premium and has only 100 calories per 4 oz. and 1.5g per serving as opposed to the traditional pork butt, which has 198 calories and 12g of fat in the same portion.
I'm not a sauce snob. I like most bottled sauces, especially Sweet Baby Ray's. The problem with bottled sauces is often the high fructose corn syrup, preservatives and dies used. From a caloric standpoint, my sauce below is practically identical, with around 70 calories in 2 Tbs. I just like knowing that I made it, it tastes good and I know what's in it. If you chose to use a bottled sauce, it will save you a little time, but I think it is worth the small amount of effort to produce your own.
Serve this on a whole grain roll with pickles, slaw and some sauce on the side. It's one of those meals that is great for days to come, or to put on a buffet, right in the crock pot it was cooked in.
Crock Pot Pulled Pork with Coffee BBQ Sauce
serves 8
Pulled Pork Ingredients
- 1 2 lb. pork sirloin roast, cut in 4 pieces
- 1 12 oz. beer
- 2 tsp. salt
- 2 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
- 1 tsp. celery seeds
- 1 medium onion, diced
- Place all ingredients in the crock pot with the pork going in last, so as not to sit directly on the bottom. I carefully turn mine once or twice during the process, but if you left it alone, it would be fine.
- Cook on low for 6 hours or until the pork is tender and able to be easily broken apart. Be careful not to break the pork in our braising liquid.
- Remove the pork and shred with two forks, leaving nice size strands or chunks.
- Remove your braising liquid and reserve 1/3 cup.
- Return to the crock pot and set to warm.
- Mix the reserved liquid with your shredded pork.
- Stir in 1 cup of warm BBQ sauce, recipe below.
Coffee BBQ Sauce Ingredients
- 32 oz. no salt added tomato puree
- 2 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup strong coffee
- 1 Tbs. liquid smoke
- 1 Tbs. molasses
- 4 Tbs. honey
- 1 Tbs. allspice
- 1 Tbs. onion powder
- 1 Tbs. garlic powder
- 1 Tbs. dried oregano
- 1 Tbs. red pepper flakes
- 1 Tbs. salt
- Over low heat, combine and simmer all ingredients until thickened, scraping down the sides frequently. about 40 minutes
- Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
Nutritional info: 4 oz. serving ~ 187 calories (pork and sauce alone), 1.5 grams of fat
Cya next time,
What I ate Thursday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax Granola w/ almond milk
Lunch ~ Leftover 1/2 stuffed pepper and some wheat spaghetti
Dinner ~ Turkey on whole grain bread, w/lite chipotle mayo, tomato and 1 thin slice of provolone and a side salad w/fig vinaigrette
Evening ~ Decaf and fat free half & half
Exercise ~ 30 minutes on the treadmill
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
W.I.M.H.W. 09.26.12
So here we are again. It's been a taxing week thus far and that is always a test for my resolve. The old triggers are buried deeper, but still kick in when stressed, wanting me to resort to food for distraction, relaxation, etc. Stress can definitely make you want to chuck it all in for a few moments of WTF. If you aren't text-speak savvy, look up WTF. The trick is to try to turn those WTFs into WTSs....Want To Succeeds. It ain't always easy. Here is What's In My Head this Wednesday.
Still My Kryptonite
Superman had kryptonite. I have bread. I've written several times how much I love bread. I bring it up time and again because it is that ingrained (no pun intended) in my modus operandi and challenges me daily. I went out to dinner tonight with my family and, of course, they put Italian bread on the table. I don't want to deprive my dining mates of their bread, so I don't ask for it not to come. I cannot keep my hands out of that damn basket. Plus, I ordered some mussels marinara and that screams to have the bread dipped into the sauce. Bakers must sprinkle crack into these recipes. Every time you try to get out, it sucks you back in. F.U., bread.
Is There a Doctor in the House?
On Monday I had a 1:30 appointment with an orthopedist for my neck. First off, I forgot my wallet at home. My wife had seen this guy for her back just recently so they had my insurance info, but I had nothing for the co-pay. The Wife stepped up like a champ and drove my wallet to me. At 2:05 they called me into the exam room and there I sat, answering emails on my phone and playing Angry Birds while I waited...and waited...and waited. At 2:35 I walked to the nurse's station and when asked how they could help me, I simply stated "I had a 1:30 appointment." "You will be seen next, sir." At 2:42, Dr. Purgatory comes in the room and asks "How are you?" "I'm not happy. I had a 1:30 appointment," I replied. He spent the next five minutes apologizing and making excuses. I was very close to walking out had he not graced me with his presence at that precise moment. The whole five minutes I thought, let's get on with this. I do not want the next person sitting for 72 minutes either. Thanks, readers, for indulging me in getting that off my chest. The end result was that I show no signs of arthritis, nor any skeletal issues. It's all muscular. He proposed to me that as I lose weight, my body is learning how to carry my head, where as before, especially in sleeping, there was more between me and the pillow or just moving around day to day. I need to make adjustments on how I use the computer, sleep, etc. This will take a while to disappear, I can tell.
What the Future May Hold
I have hinted around before that someday I might like to make all of this into a book that includes my story, my philosophies about weight loss and recipes to eat yourself thin. My good friend Ray has a brother in the publishing realm and Ray tells me that his brother is very interested in hearing from me about a book centered around TDT195. I will be giving serious thought over the next week or two as to what this book my be like so I can present something coherent to Ray's bro. I need to have a clear vision of my target audience and what I want them to get out of it. As a result of this planning, look for more posts in upcoming weeks about the my opinions on weight loss and the whole $20 billion industry. Feel free to tell me what you would like to see most in a book, what you like about the blog or if you think it's even book-worthy. I'd appreciate the feedback.
Cya Thursday,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola w/almond milk
Lunch ~ turkey, tomato and lite chipotle mayo on whole grain bread
Snack ~ carrots and humus
Dinner ~ mussels marinara, crystal meth bread and 1/2 a stuffed pepper
Exercise ~ none
Still My Kryptonite
Superman had kryptonite. I have bread. I've written several times how much I love bread. I bring it up time and again because it is that ingrained (no pun intended) in my modus operandi and challenges me daily. I went out to dinner tonight with my family and, of course, they put Italian bread on the table. I don't want to deprive my dining mates of their bread, so I don't ask for it not to come. I cannot keep my hands out of that damn basket. Plus, I ordered some mussels marinara and that screams to have the bread dipped into the sauce. Bakers must sprinkle crack into these recipes. Every time you try to get out, it sucks you back in. F.U., bread.
Is There a Doctor in the House?
On Monday I had a 1:30 appointment with an orthopedist for my neck. First off, I forgot my wallet at home. My wife had seen this guy for her back just recently so they had my insurance info, but I had nothing for the co-pay. The Wife stepped up like a champ and drove my wallet to me. At 2:05 they called me into the exam room and there I sat, answering emails on my phone and playing Angry Birds while I waited...and waited...and waited. At 2:35 I walked to the nurse's station and when asked how they could help me, I simply stated "I had a 1:30 appointment." "You will be seen next, sir." At 2:42, Dr. Purgatory comes in the room and asks "How are you?" "I'm not happy. I had a 1:30 appointment," I replied. He spent the next five minutes apologizing and making excuses. I was very close to walking out had he not graced me with his presence at that precise moment. The whole five minutes I thought, let's get on with this. I do not want the next person sitting for 72 minutes either. Thanks, readers, for indulging me in getting that off my chest. The end result was that I show no signs of arthritis, nor any skeletal issues. It's all muscular. He proposed to me that as I lose weight, my body is learning how to carry my head, where as before, especially in sleeping, there was more between me and the pillow or just moving around day to day. I need to make adjustments on how I use the computer, sleep, etc. This will take a while to disappear, I can tell.
What the Future May Hold
I have hinted around before that someday I might like to make all of this into a book that includes my story, my philosophies about weight loss and recipes to eat yourself thin. My good friend Ray has a brother in the publishing realm and Ray tells me that his brother is very interested in hearing from me about a book centered around TDT195. I will be giving serious thought over the next week or two as to what this book my be like so I can present something coherent to Ray's bro. I need to have a clear vision of my target audience and what I want them to get out of it. As a result of this planning, look for more posts in upcoming weeks about the my opinions on weight loss and the whole $20 billion industry. Feel free to tell me what you would like to see most in a book, what you like about the blog or if you think it's even book-worthy. I'd appreciate the feedback.
Cya Thursday,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola w/almond milk
Lunch ~ turkey, tomato and lite chipotle mayo on whole grain bread
Snack ~ carrots and humus
Dinner ~ mussels marinara, crystal meth bread and 1/2 a stuffed pepper
Exercise ~ none
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Win A Magic Bullet
I was half joking yesterday when I suggested that we have a pool for when I go over 100 lbs. lost. But that is really something to celebrate! If you know me well, and most of you do, I love games and wagers. So why not? Let's do it. The beautiful thing for all of you is that it doesn't cost you anything.
Here is how it will work. Leave your guess of the date in the comments section below. Facebook comments do not count. Once I get to over 95 lbs. lost, I will will check my weight daily until I hit 263.5 lbs. Once I get to that magic weight, I will announce it in that evening's blog post. The winner will receive one of my favorite gifts, a Magic Bullet blender. I use it to make salad dressings, drinks and beat eggs. I find it indispensable. And so will you! Whoever is closest wins, whether you go over or not. If you live in some far flung region, I will have it shipped directly to you.
Let the guessing begin, folks! One per customer. What date will Mike hit 263.4 lbs.?
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola and almond milk
Lunch ~ A salad with mixed greens, roasted peppers, sun dried tomatoes, olives, ham and hot peppers, preceded by a cup of beef vegetable soup
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ None (I revised last night's post because I forgot to mention the 2.8 miles I did around the lake)
Here is how it will work. Leave your guess of the date in the comments section below. Facebook comments do not count. Once I get to over 95 lbs. lost, I will will check my weight daily until I hit 263.5 lbs. Once I get to that magic weight, I will announce it in that evening's blog post. The winner will receive one of my favorite gifts, a Magic Bullet blender. I use it to make salad dressings, drinks and beat eggs. I find it indispensable. And so will you! Whoever is closest wins, whether you go over or not. If you live in some far flung region, I will have it shipped directly to you.
Let the guessing begin, folks! One per customer. What date will Mike hit 263.4 lbs.?
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola and almond milk
Lunch ~ A salad with mixed greens, roasted peppers, sun dried tomatoes, olives, ham and hot peppers, preceded by a cup of beef vegetable soup
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ None (I revised last night's post because I forgot to mention the 2.8 miles I did around the lake)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Weigh-in: Week 33
Not bad progress this week. I managed to lose some weight, even with the wedding on Saturday and a few drinks. I also started exercising again, which I am sure has something to do with it. I am looking forward to this steady progress heading into the holidays. Losing weight through the end of the year will be a major accomplishment for me. But, let's focus one week at a time. Here are the numbers for the thirty-third trip to the scale.
I'm down to 287 even as of today. That is a total loss of 77.4 lbs. and a weekly drop of 2.4 lbs. Body fat dropped to 45% from 45.6% and water rose to 39.5%, up from 39% last Monday. Now I can officially say I am down over 75 lbs.and it feels good. I'm focusing on getting to 100 now. Anyone want to start a pool for when I get there? That would be kinda cool actually.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 1 fried egg w/tomato, chicken andouille sausage and a thin slice of provolone on whole grain toast
Lunch ~ Samurai sushi roll at Monster Sushi in Summit, NJ
Dinner ~ 3oz of whole grain thin spaghetti w/marinara and vegan 'meat' crumbles, side salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Blog writing ~ The Wife was nice enough to just bring me a decaf w/fat free half and half. Thanks, hon.
Exercise ~ 2.8 miles around the lake
I'm down to 287 even as of today. That is a total loss of 77.4 lbs. and a weekly drop of 2.4 lbs. Body fat dropped to 45% from 45.6% and water rose to 39.5%, up from 39% last Monday. Now I can officially say I am down over 75 lbs.and it feels good. I'm focusing on getting to 100 now. Anyone want to start a pool for when I get there? That would be kinda cool actually.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 1 fried egg w/tomato, chicken andouille sausage and a thin slice of provolone on whole grain toast
Lunch ~ Samurai sushi roll at Monster Sushi in Summit, NJ
Dinner ~ 3oz of whole grain thin spaghetti w/marinara and vegan 'meat' crumbles, side salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Blog writing ~ The Wife was nice enough to just bring me a decaf w/fat free half and half. Thanks, hon.
Exercise ~ 2.8 miles around the lake
Sunday, September 23, 2012
A.L.O.E. 09.23.12
I'm sitting in the backyard by the fire pit, Steely Dan sweetly straining from my iPhone. It's a clear, cool night and there doesn't seem to be many 'skeeters. Why not stay right here and jot down my thoughts for our Sunday A Little Bit Of Everything session? Of course, I'll go inside smelling like a big hunk of lox, but that is what showers are for.
Wedding Bell Blues
Tab and I had the good fortune to be invited to her former roommate's wedding yesterday. These things are often tricky because you really can't control what gets put in front of you, only your ability to say no. I'm a sucker for a cocktail hours and passed hors d'oeuvres. I noshed on a few here and there to go with my pint of Blue Moon beer. Aside from the chicken skewers, there weren't any decent choices to go with a slimming lifestyle. Nor, did the buffet offer help in the way of lighter sustenance, either. I've resigned myself to make certain allowances for these scenarios. My life is such that there is a firm foundation at all other times, so the very occasional variance shouldn't derail me from my long term goals. I'm not saying I am happy with the choices I made at the wedding, but I won't lose sleep over them. A word to you future brides and grooms, put out a vegetable platter and have some options for your health-conscious/vegetarian friends and family. It won't cost you much and you'll be seen as hugely considerate.
Brown Rice Now, Too?
A few months back there was a report out that many apple juices contained unsafe levels of arsenic. Now they are saying the same holds true for brown rice products. If you read past the "Cya, M" line on my daily posts, you know that I eat a decent amount of brown rice in my diet. According to Consumer Reports, there are many brands that you should avoid and some that are seen to have somewhat acceptable levels of this nasty stuff. The 'naughty' list includes everything from Uncle Ben to Snap, Crackle and Pop. Never trust a spoon-wielding elf I guess, let alone a trio of them. Instead of worrying about which brand I am consuming and its likelihood to slowly whack me, I am going to limit my intake to around two times per week. I'm thinking the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Check out the report, should you want more info at:
Getting Geared Up For 'Notober'
My program isn't about exclusion as much as it is inclusion of healthier choices used in a tasty fashion. I don't want to feel deprived, nor should anyone attempting to better their way of life. Success isn't bred from deprivation. Since I am freeing myself of meat and alcohol for the month of October, I titled this section using the catchy, but inaccurate moniker, Notober. I don't like the vibe, though. Yes, I am NOT eating meat and NOT imbibing during October (one exception being my trip to my friend Ray's place on 10/6 for his Octoberfest party), but I am amping up the use of vegetables in my meals to push past this lull in weight loss. I love my veggies and I look forward to the meals I'll create and eat. I won't miss the chicken, beef, turkey or pork one iota during this span. No, dear wife, I will not be joining the ranks of vegans anytime soon. I'm not sure how I could fare long term with such restrictions, but that is a blog for another day. I will be looking out seasonal recipes and devising some of my own for preparation in this Vegtober. Hmmm... that one doesn't have quite a good ring to it either. Octoberfast? Nah. More negative mojo on that one, too. Maybe I'll just eat more sweet potatoes and call it "Octuberfest". I just know I will be eating well next month. I need a marketing consultant to come up with a snappy nickname for this meatless month. Anyone have a good one? Leave it in comments below.
Cya for weigh-in tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 banana pancakes with a very small amount of real maple syrup and buttery spread. My guess is this treat clocked in around 350-400 calories. Worth every bite.
Lunch ~ turkey on whole grain bread with pickles, lite mayo and mustard
Snack ~ carrots and hummus
Dinner ~ As you can see below, my food stylist is back from Milan and she captured a beautiful plate of teriyaki-glazed salmon over mango salsa w/brown rice. I also had some wine with the meal. It looked great and tasted just okay. Unfortunately, you don't know how good the tomatoes, mangoes or avocados are until you get home and taste them. And why do "tomato and "mango" get an extra E when plural, but not "avocado"? Had the produce stepped up, this dish would have been raised from 'good' to 'great'.
After Dinner by the Fire ~ Hazelnut decaf w/fat free half and half
Exercise ~ about 1.5 hours in the yard, trying to further progress of my front lawn's revival
Wedding Bell Blues
Tab and I had the good fortune to be invited to her former roommate's wedding yesterday. These things are often tricky because you really can't control what gets put in front of you, only your ability to say no. I'm a sucker for a cocktail hours and passed hors d'oeuvres. I noshed on a few here and there to go with my pint of Blue Moon beer. Aside from the chicken skewers, there weren't any decent choices to go with a slimming lifestyle. Nor, did the buffet offer help in the way of lighter sustenance, either. I've resigned myself to make certain allowances for these scenarios. My life is such that there is a firm foundation at all other times, so the very occasional variance shouldn't derail me from my long term goals. I'm not saying I am happy with the choices I made at the wedding, but I won't lose sleep over them. A word to you future brides and grooms, put out a vegetable platter and have some options for your health-conscious/vegetarian friends and family. It won't cost you much and you'll be seen as hugely considerate.
Brown Rice Now, Too?
A few months back there was a report out that many apple juices contained unsafe levels of arsenic. Now they are saying the same holds true for brown rice products. If you read past the "Cya, M" line on my daily posts, you know that I eat a decent amount of brown rice in my diet. According to Consumer Reports, there are many brands that you should avoid and some that are seen to have somewhat acceptable levels of this nasty stuff. The 'naughty' list includes everything from Uncle Ben to Snap, Crackle and Pop. Never trust a spoon-wielding elf I guess, let alone a trio of them. Instead of worrying about which brand I am consuming and its likelihood to slowly whack me, I am going to limit my intake to around two times per week. I'm thinking the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Check out the report, should you want more info at:
Getting Geared Up For 'Notober'
My program isn't about exclusion as much as it is inclusion of healthier choices used in a tasty fashion. I don't want to feel deprived, nor should anyone attempting to better their way of life. Success isn't bred from deprivation. Since I am freeing myself of meat and alcohol for the month of October, I titled this section using the catchy, but inaccurate moniker, Notober. I don't like the vibe, though. Yes, I am NOT eating meat and NOT imbibing during October (one exception being my trip to my friend Ray's place on 10/6 for his Octoberfest party), but I am amping up the use of vegetables in my meals to push past this lull in weight loss. I love my veggies and I look forward to the meals I'll create and eat. I won't miss the chicken, beef, turkey or pork one iota during this span. No, dear wife, I will not be joining the ranks of vegans anytime soon. I'm not sure how I could fare long term with such restrictions, but that is a blog for another day. I will be looking out seasonal recipes and devising some of my own for preparation in this Vegtober. Hmmm... that one doesn't have quite a good ring to it either. Octoberfast? Nah. More negative mojo on that one, too. Maybe I'll just eat more sweet potatoes and call it "Octuberfest". I just know I will be eating well next month. I need a marketing consultant to come up with a snappy nickname for this meatless month. Anyone have a good one? Leave it in comments below.
Cya for weigh-in tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 banana pancakes with a very small amount of real maple syrup and buttery spread. My guess is this treat clocked in around 350-400 calories. Worth every bite.
Lunch ~ turkey on whole grain bread with pickles, lite mayo and mustard
Snack ~ carrots and hummus
Dinner ~ As you can see below, my food stylist is back from Milan and she captured a beautiful plate of teriyaki-glazed salmon over mango salsa w/brown rice. I also had some wine with the meal. It looked great and tasted just okay. Unfortunately, you don't know how good the tomatoes, mangoes or avocados are until you get home and taste them. And why do "tomato and "mango" get an extra E when plural, but not "avocado"? Had the produce stepped up, this dish would have been raised from 'good' to 'great'.
After Dinner by the Fire ~ Hazelnut decaf w/fat free half and half
Exercise ~ about 1.5 hours in the yard, trying to further progress of my front lawn's revival
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Gravity Sucks
I knew this day would come. In many ways it's a harbinger of good things to look forward to. Like the first flower in spring or when you see a those initial leaves turning in fall, signaling the blaze of colors that will soon paint the landscape. This, however, isn't as pretty or majestic. Yup. I'm definitely seeing signs of my skin being so loose it hangs in a very unattractive way.
A few weeks back I noticed that I had some wrinkling around the ankles. Much like that old commercial for pantyhose, where the little girl exclaims to her mother "Look, Mommy. Your legs are just like the elephant's!" as she points to Mom's bunched up nylons. Yeah. I'm getting that too, little girl. Problem is, I don't have on any pantyhose. It's just my own skin pooling around the ankles.
While in a restroom recently (don't worry, this doesn't get awkward), after washing my hands, I had to use one of those dreaded air hand dryers. Do they have these in ladies' rooms, too? I don't think you women would put up with having a jet engine blasting out any shred of moisture from inside your skin, while doing nothing for the wet hands you'll be wiping on your shirttails in a few seconds. Not to mention the devastation to the coif. While baking my hands under the wind tunnel of uselessness, I saw the skin rolling around my wrists, like a skydiving Shar-pei. While kind of cool, you'd rather watch it happen on someone else's body.
I won't even get into specifics on body parts below the surface of my clothes, but I feel like Batman when I raise my arms. A good wind might take me like a kite on a beach. Pretty soon skin will be so loose, it will be at the mercy of the pull of the moon. I'll know when it's high tide by the waves of skin gently lapping below my undergarments...perhaps, gulls circling overhead. Hey, Fruit of the Loom guys! Grab your boards. Surfs up!
Hopefully this is just another motivation to keep moving in the right direction, pushing me to the point where I can get it all removed and go on with my life as a fit person, comfortable in my own skin. I have an inkling there will always be underlying mental discomfort from the residual effects of being so large, but in the end, it's not a bad problem to have, getting used to being thin. Until then, I'll try to embrace gravity as a well-intentioned, if not inevitable, reminder of what's ahead.
Cya Sunday,
What I ate and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola w/almond milk
Lunch ~ I had the most amazing tuna tartar appetizer, and beef with scallions and brown rice.
Snack ~ carrots and hummus
Dinner ~ Steak w/grilled red pepper, scallions and a salad, dressed in my fig vinaigrette (see yesterday's blog)
Exercise ~ none
A few weeks back I noticed that I had some wrinkling around the ankles. Much like that old commercial for pantyhose, where the little girl exclaims to her mother "Look, Mommy. Your legs are just like the elephant's!" as she points to Mom's bunched up nylons. Yeah. I'm getting that too, little girl. Problem is, I don't have on any pantyhose. It's just my own skin pooling around the ankles.
While in a restroom recently (don't worry, this doesn't get awkward), after washing my hands, I had to use one of those dreaded air hand dryers. Do they have these in ladies' rooms, too? I don't think you women would put up with having a jet engine blasting out any shred of moisture from inside your skin, while doing nothing for the wet hands you'll be wiping on your shirttails in a few seconds. Not to mention the devastation to the coif. While baking my hands under the wind tunnel of uselessness, I saw the skin rolling around my wrists, like a skydiving Shar-pei. While kind of cool, you'd rather watch it happen on someone else's body.
I won't even get into specifics on body parts below the surface of my clothes, but I feel like Batman when I raise my arms. A good wind might take me like a kite on a beach. Pretty soon skin will be so loose, it will be at the mercy of the pull of the moon. I'll know when it's high tide by the waves of skin gently lapping below my undergarments...perhaps, gulls circling overhead. Hey, Fruit of the Loom guys! Grab your boards. Surfs up!
Hopefully this is just another motivation to keep moving in the right direction, pushing me to the point where I can get it all removed and go on with my life as a fit person, comfortable in my own skin. I have an inkling there will always be underlying mental discomfort from the residual effects of being so large, but in the end, it's not a bad problem to have, getting used to being thin. Until then, I'll try to embrace gravity as a well-intentioned, if not inevitable, reminder of what's ahead.
Cya Sunday,
What I ate and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax granola w/almond milk
Lunch ~ I had the most amazing tuna tartar appetizer, and beef with scallions and brown rice.
Snack ~ carrots and hummus
Dinner ~ Steak w/grilled red pepper, scallions and a salad, dressed in my fig vinaigrette (see yesterday's blog)
Exercise ~ none
Friday, September 21, 2012
Food Thursday: 09.20.12
Hello out there, food fans. I wanted to fire this off last night, on a Thursday, but a off-standard Thursday night Giant game got in the way. But pretend for me, if you will, that today is still Food Thursday. Are you ready for some recipe schoolin'? I've got a good one for you today. These seven ingredients to the left make it simply perfect. Pardon the blurry picture. My food stylist is off to Milan this week.
It's fig season and I got some last week for The Wife, who is a huge fan. I wanted to include them in a salad and decided to whip up a special dressing. The Wife didn't dig the figs in the salad, I did. All at the table agreed though that the salad dressing was the bomb diggety. To say I loved this salad dressing may have been an understatement. I was referring to it as "the best ever" for a few days. Not one to get caught up in superlatives, we'll just call it "one of the best ever."
Fig Vinaigrette
Serves 4
This dressing has a sweet and acidic flavor that goes great with your softer, more tender greens, such as a pre-packaged spring mix, mesclun greens or Bibb lettuce (aka, butter or Boston lettuce). If you can afford some extra fat/calories, a smattering of crumbled bleu cheese would be spectacular, as would some toasted pecans. I will go with some fat free feta, myself. The fig infused balsamic is easily obtained at your grocer and is only $2.99 at my local Stop 'n Shop. On a scale of 1-10 for ease of preparation, this is a 1.
It's fig season and I got some last week for The Wife, who is a huge fan. I wanted to include them in a salad and decided to whip up a special dressing. The Wife didn't dig the figs in the salad, I did. All at the table agreed though that the salad dressing was the bomb diggety. To say I loved this salad dressing may have been an understatement. I was referring to it as "the best ever" for a few days. Not one to get caught up in superlatives, we'll just call it "one of the best ever."
Fig Vinaigrette
Serves 4
This dressing has a sweet and acidic flavor that goes great with your softer, more tender greens, such as a pre-packaged spring mix, mesclun greens or Bibb lettuce (aka, butter or Boston lettuce). If you can afford some extra fat/calories, a smattering of crumbled bleu cheese would be spectacular, as would some toasted pecans. I will go with some fat free feta, myself. The fig infused balsamic is easily obtained at your grocer and is only $2.99 at my local Stop 'n Shop. On a scale of 1-10 for ease of preparation, this is a 1.
- 1/3 cup canola oil
- 2 Tbs. fig infused balsamic vinegar
- 2 Tbs honey
- 1/2 tsp. garlic salt
- 1/2 tsp. onion powder
- 1/4 tsp. fresh ground pepper
- 1/2 Tbs. Dijon mustard
- Combine all ingredients in a jelly jar or a small, well sealed container.
- Shake vigorously to emulsify.
- Adjust the salt, pepper, or honey to your taste.
Cya next time,
What I ate Thursday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Pumpkin Flax Granola and almond milk
Lunch ~ Rotisserie chicken sandwich on whole grain toast w/tomato, lettuce and chipotle lite mayo
Dinner ~ Stuffed pepper and whole grain pasta, some bread with EVOO
Exercise ~ 2.8 miles around the lake
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
W.I.M.H.W. 09.19.12

Feeling Sharp
My new wardrobe may be limited, but I have to say it is lifting my self-esteem. I feel like I look slimmer in these new duds. I am starting to feel more attractive. The wife told me today how "schmansome" I looked. That's her way of telling me I looked handsome. Last night someone told me I was wasting away to nothing. Certainly an overstatement, but I'll take the compliment. One of the regulars at our gig on Saturday hadn't seen me in a few months and was marveling at the differences. These things keep me walking tall. I look forward to heading out into the world when I can meet it with my head held high.
On the Move Again
Interesting how timing works out sometimes. Last night's blog mentioned that I felt I wasn't exercising enough and now that my knee and neck were starting to feel better, I should at least be walking. When I finished the blog and went into Facebook, there was a message waiting for me. It was from a friend, concerned with the lack of exercise reported in my blog. She told me how her husband, also a big man, was going to the gym six days a week and had managed to lose 30 lbs. I was touched by her concern and found it ironic that I had just finished writing on the same fact she felt compelled to hold me accountable on. Thanks, MA, and good luck on your surgery and recovery. Also, kudos to her husband, BA, for taking control of his weight situation. I am happy to report that I did walk around the lake tonight. All 2.8 miles of it. Tomorrow night my friend Alex and I will be doing it again. This weather makes it soooo much more enjoyable.
I don't have specific expectations on what my body will do, but I have some ideas of where I'd like to be in certain situations. It's part of my visualization process. I've mentioned in the past that I truly believe in the "see it and be it" school of thought. Right now I am seeing myself at around 275 for my 30th high school reunion in November and I visualize telling people at the holidays that I have lost 100 lbs. That means that hopefully I can be what I see; 263 lbs. at Christmas.
Cya tomorrow for the best salad dressing ever,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 egg omelet, w/chicken sausage, onion and tomato
Lunch ~ Tandoori chicken and four bean pasta salad
Dinner ~ Rotisserie chicken and salad
Snack ~ 1 banana
Exercise ~ 2.8 miles around the lake
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
September is Better Breakfast Month
I am not sure who sits on the board of official months and deems things like February, Black History Month or that August is National Goat Cheese Month (it really is), but I feel like if I were to sit on such a committee, then some month, one that has thirty one days of course, would be National Give a Guy Named Mike a Dollar Month. I don't want to be piggish and expect a fiver. A single will do me fine. But everybody has to participate. It would be un-American not to!
September really is Better Breakfast Month, in order to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy breakfast. Here are some facts that might help you adopt a improved morning routine when it comes to breaking your plus or minus 12 hour fast:
September really is Better Breakfast Month, in order to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy breakfast. Here are some facts that might help you adopt a improved morning routine when it comes to breaking your plus or minus 12 hour fast:
- The American Diabetes Associations says that breakfast eaters tend to have more strength, endurance, and better concentration and problem-solving abilities. The opposite is true for those who skip a morning meal.
- The Harvard Medical School reports that those who eat a healthy breakfast are much less likely to become obese. Breakfast eaters tend to consume far fewer calories throughout the day if they started their day off eating right.
- Eggs may be a better options that even the healthiest of cereals. I recent study by both Louisiana State University and St. Louis University showed that when breakfast is eggs as opposed cereals of all kinds, the egg breakfast is more inclined to reduce Body Mass Index (BMI). After eight weeks, those who consumed eggs with a energy deficit diet (consuming fewer calories than you burn) had 65% more reduction in BMI than those ate a healthy cereal based breakfast.
- Several studies have shown that schools with a school breakfast program have higher scores in standardized tests. The same holds true for grades and test scores of children that had a good breakfast at home, particularly in math.
- The National Weight Control Registry concluded that of 3000 people studied who had lost 60 pounds or more, 78% had a strategy for a healthy breakfast.
- "Eating breakfast of any kind prevent(s) many of the adverse effects of fasting," such as irritability and fatigue, according to Bonnie Spring, Ph.D. , University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School. So the next time a co-worker is a crabby ass, ask them if they had breakfast. If they don't slug you, take them to a diner!
These are just a few reasons that a weight loss regimen should include a quality breakfast. Preferably one that contains a balance of complex carbohydrates, heart healthy fats and some protein. It's been a key component of my success for sure, not to mention it is my favorite meal of the day.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts Cereal w/banana and almond milk (maybe I shoulda had eggs?)
Lunch ~ My lighter pulled pork with homemade slaw and pickles on whole grain bread
Dinner ~ Homemade tandoori chicken, brown rice, broccoli and asparagus
Exercise ~ None today, I am ashamed to admit.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Weigh-in: Week 32
So long, 290s. It's been okay getting to know you over these last five to six weeks, but I have to move on. We're breaking up. It's not you. It's me. And no. We can't still be friends. I'm with the 280s now and we're happy for the moment.
Normally I tease you all until we get to the second paragraph to say how much I lost. Tonight I thought I would just let ya have it. 1.4 lbs. lost last week, taking me from 290.8 down to 289.4.
I was fairly inactive these past seven days and wasn't really expecting much, but after doing the pre-scale rituals this morning, like blowing my nose, clipping my nails, shaving, Q-tipping, the john, and maybe spitting a few times, I felt it was okay to see if I was any lighter. Indeed I was. My total loss is now 74 lbs. This week the fat percentage fell to 45.6 from 46.1 in week 31. The water rose, as expected, to 39%, up from 38.7%.
I will be going back to the gym on Wednesday and I am thinking I might revert back to a mileage based walking program, rather than just kidding myself into thinking I will do twenty minutes of walking each day. The weather is perfect and if I can get around Lake Parsippany three times in a week, it will be over eight miles. I'd be happy with that.
Join me tomorrow for my take on September being "Better Breakfast Month."
Cya then,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Two egg omelet with onions, tomato, chicken sausage and one slice of ultra thin cheddar
Lunch ~ At a lunch meeting with no options. I did well though. I had one small slice of plain pizza and some salad.
Dinner ~ Vegan Chinese food. Moo Shu basil rolls (rice paper wrapping carrot, jicama, peanuts and basil...yum), vegan chicken w/scallions and spinach in a light sauce...and of course the fortune cookie
Exercise ~ none
Normally I tease you all until we get to the second paragraph to say how much I lost. Tonight I thought I would just let ya have it. 1.4 lbs. lost last week, taking me from 290.8 down to 289.4.
I was fairly inactive these past seven days and wasn't really expecting much, but after doing the pre-scale rituals this morning, like blowing my nose, clipping my nails, shaving, Q-tipping, the john, and maybe spitting a few times, I felt it was okay to see if I was any lighter. Indeed I was. My total loss is now 74 lbs. This week the fat percentage fell to 45.6 from 46.1 in week 31. The water rose, as expected, to 39%, up from 38.7%.
I will be going back to the gym on Wednesday and I am thinking I might revert back to a mileage based walking program, rather than just kidding myself into thinking I will do twenty minutes of walking each day. The weather is perfect and if I can get around Lake Parsippany three times in a week, it will be over eight miles. I'd be happy with that.
Join me tomorrow for my take on September being "Better Breakfast Month."
Cya then,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Two egg omelet with onions, tomato, chicken sausage and one slice of ultra thin cheddar
Lunch ~ At a lunch meeting with no options. I did well though. I had one small slice of plain pizza and some salad.
Dinner ~ Vegan Chinese food. Moo Shu basil rolls (rice paper wrapping carrot, jicama, peanuts and basil...yum), vegan chicken w/scallions and spinach in a light sauce...and of course the fortune cookie
Exercise ~ none
Sunday, September 16, 2012
A.L.O.E. 09.16.12

My Passion
I've been asked in the past what my passion is. Because most people know that I sing, they might assume that is it. I also collect wine, although my program these days limits what and how I enjoy it. But I know the one thing that truly makes me happy is cooking. I love to create my own dishes. It isn't always successful, but I am assuming Picasso had a pile of scrap paper near the waste basket. I'm no Picasso in the kitchen, but perhaps a fro-less Bob Ross with a lot more expletives thrown around. This passion used to be a gateway for literally an assload of calories and fat. Now it provides the tools for healthier dishes that still satisfy. This weekend I got the inkling to do a leaner version of BBQ pulled pork. I wanted to do it slow in a crock pot because, although I have a smoker, I am not adept at it, nor do I have the time. Long story less long, today I turned out a crock pot pulled pork that was quite respectable for not using a recipe. The sauce was all homemade and the finished product came in at around 190 calories for a 4oz. serving (without the bread). I'll tweak the recipe a little and have to you all in the next week or two.
I Have To Admit It's Getting Better
We had our first gig in two months last night, having taken the summer off. I must say that not only did I feel so much better in my clothes, but I truly believe the weight loss is making ma a better performer. My voice seems stronger and has more endurance over an evening. Also, my stage presence is MUCH improved. The Wife always would get on me in the beginning of our music endeavor for standing behind my mike stand all the time. As if that steel pipe would hide me from the audience. That would be like a panda hiding behind a piece of bamboo. Now I find I am more fluid, move more to music and have been told how I look like I love what I am doing. And the truth is, I do love it much more these days. I'm so glad it shows.
Cya Monday for weigh-in #32,
What I ate today and how I didn't exercise:
Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts w/craisins and almond milk
Lunch ~ A Panera Pick-Two w/chicken soup and a turkey cranberry panini
Dinner ~ Homemade BBQ pulled pork on a whole wheat bun, w/homemade slaw and pickles
Evening by the fire pit (once this is proofed) ~ 1 Southern Comfort on the rocks
Saturday, September 15, 2012

When buying the car last week I ran into some issues with things that needed to be taken care of if I were to stand by my purchase and not return it. The dealership was great and agreed to new tires, brakes and a battery at their expense. If you need a car, I can recommend a excellent place.
I was told to ask for the service manager to facilitate the improvements to the car. When I got there, he greeted me at the door with a firm hand shake and a smile. Let's call him Fred. Fred was very well dressed, like all of their employees, in a sharp tie and well pressed, bright white shirt. Very professional. He was also at least 400 pounds. This is where the hypocrisy comes in.
Let's look at the sales manager that negotiated the sale of the car. He was dressed as well and was equally as gracious. We will call him Ted. Ted was affable, had the same strong handshake and immediately gave me a sense of capability and strength. Ted was also quite fit. Fred exemplified all of the same qualities that Ted did, yet I didn't get the same 'warm fuzzy' from him that Ted exuded. I was guilty of the same unfair perceptions that I have fallen victim to over all these years.
While Ted didn't need to earn my trust, but through the same qualities on a thinner frame set me at ease, my perception of Fred was one that he would have to prove himself before I could feel that I would be properly taken care of. I am truly ashamed of these innate responses that have no basis in reality. Why is it that so many us of feel that obese people aren't as good or as capable as their lighter colleagues? I've silently lamented this mistreatment for years now, only to be proven a hypocrite in the end. When you think about it, the likes of Winston Churchill and Orson Wells achieved great things and were considered to be of the best at what they did. So why the knee-jerk reaction to meeting someone of size?
My one saving grace is that I am able to look at this duplicity with some level of objectivity and move to change. Others may not be able to be as introspective, not having the experience of being grossly overweight (grossly in the sense of an extreme, mind you). I'll be working on trying to stay on top of these reactions to my fellow large peeps and encourage you all to do the same. Until I fix this however, I will have to bear the label of hypocrite.
Cya Sunday,
What I ate Friday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts cereal w/craisins and almond milk
Lunch ~ Gazspacho soup and a grilled salmon spinach salad
Dinner ~ Leftover Thai pork stew over brown rice
Exercise ~ none
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Food Thursday: 09.13.12
It's Food Thursday once again. Since it has been a few weeks since we had a recipe, let me reiterate the premise of this most special of days: Food Thursday. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, you should eat the majority of your meals at home. Hopefully you can follow a recipe or you live with someone who can. If not, that's okay. You can move into my basement and I will feed you for a small fee. Is $5,000 a month small? It's all relative I guess. While we are taking tenant applications, I will be here provide recipes, advice and food facts to help you eat yourself thin.
Who doesn't love chili? If you don't dig a good bowl of chili goodness, well then you're just weird....or a communist. Chili is as American as it gets. If you are a chili snob, may I suggest you stop reading right here. This ain't your Texas chili. Texans will tell you that real chili is meat and sauce. No veggies and NEVER any beans. This recipe couldn't compete in a classic chili contest, but is delicious through and through. Tonight I bring you chili that is an amalgam of my mother's and my own. It is much healthier than your typical beef chili and has a boatload of fiber to go with the satisfying flavor that all comfort food should have.
This recipe is enough to serve a big crowd, or if you are like me, to have on hand for a number of meals during the week with plenty left to freeze for another time. I use very lean turkey, lots of beans, red and green peppers along with corn and my secret ingredient: cocoa powder. Two cups of chili per serving has only 380 calories and a whopping 12g of fiber, 31.5g protein and only 4.1g of fat. Make this for your next football Sunday. I like mine over whole grain elbows or any shape macaroni, but you might like it over brown rice. Then again, it's great just straight up, plain in a bowl.
TDT195 Turkey Chili
Serves 18
2 Tbs canola oil, divided
2 medium red bell peppers, cut into 1/2" pieces
1 large green pepper, cut into 1/2" pieces
2 medium yellow onions, diced
5 cloves garlic, minced
3 jalapenos, seeds removed and minced
2 Tbs tomato paste
1 2.8 oz jar chili powder
5 Tbs cocoa powder
1 Tbs cayenne
1/4 cup water or low-sodium, low-fat chicken stock/broth
2.5 lbs 99% lean ground turkey
72 oz crushed tomatoes or tomato puree
2 14 oz cans black beans, rinsed
1 36 oz can kidney beans, rinsed
2 ears or 2 cups fresh or frozen corn
Who doesn't love chili? If you don't dig a good bowl of chili goodness, well then you're just weird....or a communist. Chili is as American as it gets. If you are a chili snob, may I suggest you stop reading right here. This ain't your Texas chili. Texans will tell you that real chili is meat and sauce. No veggies and NEVER any beans. This recipe couldn't compete in a classic chili contest, but is delicious through and through. Tonight I bring you chili that is an amalgam of my mother's and my own. It is much healthier than your typical beef chili and has a boatload of fiber to go with the satisfying flavor that all comfort food should have.
This recipe is enough to serve a big crowd, or if you are like me, to have on hand for a number of meals during the week with plenty left to freeze for another time. I use very lean turkey, lots of beans, red and green peppers along with corn and my secret ingredient: cocoa powder. Two cups of chili per serving has only 380 calories and a whopping 12g of fiber, 31.5g protein and only 4.1g of fat. Make this for your next football Sunday. I like mine over whole grain elbows or any shape macaroni, but you might like it over brown rice. Then again, it's great just straight up, plain in a bowl.
TDT195 Turkey Chili
Serves 18
2 Tbs canola oil, divided
2 medium red bell peppers, cut into 1/2" pieces
1 large green pepper, cut into 1/2" pieces
2 medium yellow onions, diced
5 cloves garlic, minced
3 jalapenos, seeds removed and minced
2 Tbs tomato paste
1 2.8 oz jar chili powder
5 Tbs cocoa powder
1 Tbs cayenne
1/4 cup water or low-sodium, low-fat chicken stock/broth
2.5 lbs 99% lean ground turkey
72 oz crushed tomatoes or tomato puree
2 14 oz cans black beans, rinsed
1 36 oz can kidney beans, rinsed
2 ears or 2 cups fresh or frozen corn
- In a large pot, heat 1 Tbs of oil over a medium high flame and saute the peppers, onions, garlic and jalapenos until the onions are tender, stirring frequently for about 8 minutes
- Add the tomato paste, chili powder, cayenne and cocoa powder and cook for about 3 minutes
- Remove the mixture and set aside
- Turn heat to high and add the water, scraping up the bits and add to the reserved vegetable mixture
- Return the heat to medium high and add the remaining oil. Brown the ground turkey, breaking it up as you go and stirring frequently
- Add back in the vegetable mixture and all other ingredients
- Stir gently so as not to break the beans and simmer, uncovered, for at least one hour, stirring occasionally
- Serve over whole grain pasta, brown rice or just in a bowl.
Cya Friday,
Breakfast ~ Scrambled eggs, ham, one piece of wheat toast and decaf
Lunch ~ Homemade chicken salad (recipe next Thursday) on 7 grain bread
Dinner ~ Thai pork over brown rice (pictured here)
Exercise ~ none
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
W.I.M.H.W. 09.12.12

New Car (Well...new to me)
I picked up a pre-owned vehicle to replace my 2005 Ford Focus that has 190,000 miles on it. When did they start calling them "pre-owned" by the way? Is it easier to market than a "used" car? I guess it similar to what I saw at the Whole Foods Market. I noticed they were selling dried plums and dried grapes. Like the raisin and prune-phobic people of the world wouldn't see through that ruse. Too funny. Anyway...earlier this year, I would have been very concerned as to the size of the cabin, seats, seat belts, etc. It wasn't until after I picked up the car and drove it home that I realized it never entered my mind that I might not fit well or be uncomfortable. I am happy to report that my 2008 Saturn Vue XE is ultra-comfortable and I am riding in style. If only it weren't a dull gray. :(
Old School
I am getting old school for October. Not too old school, but back to basics as I stated last night in my blog. I have decided that since it was so effective in starting me off right, I will be going without meat or alcohol in the month of October, with the exception of one day that I will be attending my friend Ray's Octoberfest. Other than that, I will steering clear of the steers, pigs and chickens, but will enjoy fish and eggs in moderation. As for the occasional drink, not for me, thank you. I'll reassess in November about how I move forward from there. I think it will help me get things moving back to the 2 lbs. per week rhythm that I would like to be in.
Still a Pain in the Neck
I am still having neck issues. I will be seeing a orthopedist in the next week or so to figure out what to do from here. I'm not comfortable about going back to Crossfit until this is resolved. I should be kicking myself in the ass to walk more though. I could probably go to the gym and do some rowing as well. If you haven't rowed, it is a total body workout. After doing that I feel like I have been run through the ringer. You'll be kept posted on the state of the neck, in next week's state of the neck address.
Cya Tomorrow for my chili recipe,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts cereal w/banana and almond milk
Lunch ~ Lentil soup and a small portion the the behemoth chicken Caesar salad served in trough.
Dinner ~ Beef, scallops and shrimp w/Chinese veggies, brown sauce on the side and brown rice
Exercise ~ None
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Get Right Back To Where You Started From
One of the reasons for me taking a week off from writing was to regroup. Having been somewhat stalled for the last month, I found the mind plays tricks and you can tend to get lazy. I needed to step back away from this all and assess the genuine nature of my recent efforts. I needed to metaphorically look in the mirror at myself. Was I giving this my all during these summer months? In review, I am happy with how I have molded my new lifestyle and, if anything, the one area I was lacking in was my exercise. I'll work on that. I should have walked more.
Upon reflection, I got to thinking of my early successes that really helped propel me forward. What did I do then that now I might have altered? What I decided to do in order to drive that point home was to go back to the beginning and actually read what I had written. Once I ship something off into the cyber world, I don't generally read it again. When you blog each day, it is easy to forget what was documented. It all blends together. That is good in many ways because it has all helped forge your day-to-day life, but the edges get dull and you need to hone your skills once again. So that is what I will be doing moving forward. Getting back to basics and reading what I had to say back in February, March, etc.
I am sure I will cringe at the typos and there will be times I'll cry out "What the hell was I trying to say?", but, for the most part those entries will remind me of how I got this far and I will likely re-institute methods that were initially meant for the jump-start period. I did go for a few months without drinking and without meat. It was very effective. I may do that for stretches in these dozen or so weeks bringing me into the holidays. Oh...the holidays. Won't that be a challenge? I guess I have a few months to reinvent some classics to make them more TDT195 friendly. Well, that will certainly be fun.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ One seven grain blueberry pancake, lean ham steak and decaf
Lunch ~ Half a grilled chicken sandwich and tomato basil soup
Dinner ~ Homemade chili (recipe this Thursday) w/penne and one ultra-thin slice of cheddar
Exercise ~ None
Upon reflection, I got to thinking of my early successes that really helped propel me forward. What did I do then that now I might have altered? What I decided to do in order to drive that point home was to go back to the beginning and actually read what I had written. Once I ship something off into the cyber world, I don't generally read it again. When you blog each day, it is easy to forget what was documented. It all blends together. That is good in many ways because it has all helped forge your day-to-day life, but the edges get dull and you need to hone your skills once again. So that is what I will be doing moving forward. Getting back to basics and reading what I had to say back in February, March, etc.
I am sure I will cringe at the typos and there will be times I'll cry out "What the hell was I trying to say?", but, for the most part those entries will remind me of how I got this far and I will likely re-institute methods that were initially meant for the jump-start period. I did go for a few months without drinking and without meat. It was very effective. I may do that for stretches in these dozen or so weeks bringing me into the holidays. Oh...the holidays. Won't that be a challenge? I guess I have a few months to reinvent some classics to make them more TDT195 friendly. Well, that will certainly be fun.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ One seven grain blueberry pancake, lean ham steak and decaf
Lunch ~ Half a grilled chicken sandwich and tomato basil soup
Dinner ~ Homemade chili (recipe this Thursday) w/penne and one ultra-thin slice of cheddar
Exercise ~ None
Monday, September 10, 2012
Weigh-in: Week 31
Hey, you! Welcome back! It feels right to be sitting here again after my week-long hiatus. I accomplished little of what I proclaimed would fill my time freed by no blog writing. I chose instead to relax, unwind and engage in introspection. My head has needed some clearing and I have it screwed on proper for my return to TDT195. There is some new material planned for the these pages and a few new recipes. I actually cooked often over the last week. That's something accomplished right there. Don't be so hard on yourself, Mike. Healthy meals at home helped to balance a couple of meals out. I did enjoy my time "off", but I am happy to be back into day-to-day writing.
The week was kind to me and my scale by producing a 1.6 lb. loss, bringing me down to the 290.8 lbs. and a total of 72.6 lbs. shed. I am very ready to leave the 290s behind and get to the magical 75 total lbs. lost. There is no magic of course, but it will be kind of cool to just say the words "Why yes! I have lost weight, thank you very much. I've lost 75 lbs!" It sounds significant and fills me with pride. Weight loss tip: Don't only feed your body properly, but feed your ego through success.
The water percentage held at 38.7% and my body fat dropped to 46.1% from 46.4% last week.
Thanks for checking back in with me and not forgetting about my efforts here. I will leave you today with a shout out to TB in Bordentown, NJ, who made me laugh today. She said she had read that nutrition was as easy as making sure you eat a variety of colors, using reds, greens, yellows, etc. Her solution was having M&M's for breakfast. HA! I'm sure she was kidding and it was worth a very good chuckle. Thanks, TB.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ An Egg MikeMuffin w/chicken sausage, 1 egg and ultra-thin sliced cheese on whole grain toast
Lunch ~ To celebrate my five year anniversary at my job, we enjoyed sushi and some broiled tuna collar meat at Monster Sushi in Summit, NJ. Check this place out. It rocks!
Snack ~ Skinny latte and some almonds
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ TBD
The water percentage held at 38.7% and my body fat dropped to 46.1% from 46.4% last week.
Thanks for checking back in with me and not forgetting about my efforts here. I will leave you today with a shout out to TB in Bordentown, NJ, who made me laugh today. She said she had read that nutrition was as easy as making sure you eat a variety of colors, using reds, greens, yellows, etc. Her solution was having M&M's for breakfast. HA! I'm sure she was kidding and it was worth a very good chuckle. Thanks, TB.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ An Egg MikeMuffin w/chicken sausage, 1 egg and ultra-thin sliced cheese on whole grain toast
Lunch ~ To celebrate my five year anniversary at my job, we enjoyed sushi and some broiled tuna collar meat at Monster Sushi in Summit, NJ. Check this place out. It rocks!
Snack ~ Skinny latte and some almonds
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ TBD
Monday, September 3, 2012
Weigh-in: Week 30
Happy Labor Day to my American friends. Summer has whizzed by and the fall is fast coming upon us. I love the autumn months, with the exception of leaf duties. If there is one back-breaking job that makes me wish I would've had kids 12-15 years ago, it's raking leaves. Snow removal takes a close second. If anyone out there wants to rent me their teenage kids in search of extra cash, bring 'em on. Let's get to the tale of the scale for week 30, shall we?

These next seven days while I am off from blogging, I'll be assessing improved methods to enhance my dietary and exercise regimens.
Thanks for checking in, as always. I look forward to seeing you all again next Monday. I'll be back refreshed and ready to provide new and improved content, and hopefully, be a few pounds lighter.
Be well,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/banana, fresh blueberries and almond milk
Lunch ~ My homemade chili (look for the recipe on 9/13)
Snack ~ Beef jerky
Exercise ~ TBD
Sunday, September 2, 2012
A.L.O.E. 09.02.12
September already? Wow! Where does the time go? I think I noticed that around 25 my vision began deteriorating, hair started to gray and days seemed to go by much quicker. You'd think I would have gotten used to it by now. It's almost seven months into this and it seems like just yesterday that it all started. I've figured out how to turn back the scale, now I need to find out a way to turn back the clock. I guess in a manner of speaking, I am. Now onto A Little Of Everything.
Not the Knees, Please
After working around the yard last week, I started noticing pain in my right knee the next day. It's feeling better today, but these types of things are supposed to subside with the weight loss, not crop up. I'm back to Crossfit on Tuesday, so I hope I can build things up stronger so these issues become less common.
Spatially Less Challenged
Last week I lent my car to our friend Lindsey. When I went to get in it the next day, I noticed the seat was left much farther forward than my usual full back position. I eyeballed it and decided to give it a try and see if I not only fit, but was comfortable. Go figure. I did fit in comfortably and opted to leave it there. I no longer required extra space for my formally ample gut. Much in the same way I easily navigated the turnstiles at Yankee Stadium and most restaurant booths are no longer too small. One drawback where the car is concerned, though. I am so used to having that extra space and just flopping myself into the car that I now slam my back and right hip into the car seat when getting in. I may be less spatially less challenged, but I'm still a creature of habit. If I slam my back into the seat again, I am going to lose it.
Time Off
In case you are an occasional reader, I wanted to let you know that after my weigh-in on Monday, I will be taking a week off from writing. Well, I may write, but it will be for future use. I need a break and although I won't be posting, I'll still be hitting the program as hard as ever. I hope to use the time to exercise more and find constructive ways to use the recaptured hours, like working on new music for our upcoming gigs. Don't forget about me, though. I'll be back on the 10th.
I will see you tomorrow for weigh-in #30,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/fresh blueberries, banana, toasted walnuts and almond milk
Lunch ~ Homemade turkey chili (recipe to come on the 13th) over 1oz. of whole grain pasta
Snack ~ Beef Jerky
Movie ~ I enjoyed ONE handful of a friend's popcorn
Dinner ~ I shared mussels marinara, had a cup of pasta fagioli, barely touched my steak and picked two fried shrimp off my godson's plate. Oh, yeah...some bread and a glass of wine. Way full tonight.
Exercise ~ None
Not the Knees, Please
After working around the yard last week, I started noticing pain in my right knee the next day. It's feeling better today, but these types of things are supposed to subside with the weight loss, not crop up. I'm back to Crossfit on Tuesday, so I hope I can build things up stronger so these issues become less common.
Spatially Less Challenged
Last week I lent my car to our friend Lindsey. When I went to get in it the next day, I noticed the seat was left much farther forward than my usual full back position. I eyeballed it and decided to give it a try and see if I not only fit, but was comfortable. Go figure. I did fit in comfortably and opted to leave it there. I no longer required extra space for my formally ample gut. Much in the same way I easily navigated the turnstiles at Yankee Stadium and most restaurant booths are no longer too small. One drawback where the car is concerned, though. I am so used to having that extra space and just flopping myself into the car that I now slam my back and right hip into the car seat when getting in. I may be less spatially less challenged, but I'm still a creature of habit. If I slam my back into the seat again, I am going to lose it.
Time Off
In case you are an occasional reader, I wanted to let you know that after my weigh-in on Monday, I will be taking a week off from writing. Well, I may write, but it will be for future use. I need a break and although I won't be posting, I'll still be hitting the program as hard as ever. I hope to use the time to exercise more and find constructive ways to use the recaptured hours, like working on new music for our upcoming gigs. Don't forget about me, though. I'll be back on the 10th.
I will see you tomorrow for weigh-in #30,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/fresh blueberries, banana, toasted walnuts and almond milk
Lunch ~ Homemade turkey chili (recipe to come on the 13th) over 1oz. of whole grain pasta
Snack ~ Beef Jerky
Movie ~ I enjoyed ONE handful of a friend's popcorn
Dinner ~ I shared mussels marinara, had a cup of pasta fagioli, barely touched my steak and picked two fried shrimp off my godson's plate. Oh, yeah...some bread and a glass of wine. Way full tonight.
Exercise ~ None
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