Happy Labor Day to my American friends. Summer has whizzed by and the fall is fast coming upon us. I love the autumn months, with the exception of leaf duties. If there is one back-breaking job that makes me wish I would've had kids 12-15 years ago, it's raking leaves. Snow removal takes a close second. If anyone out there wants to rent me their teenage kids in search of extra cash, bring 'em on. Let's get to the tale of the scale for week 30, shall we?

These next seven days while I am off from blogging, I'll be assessing improved methods to enhance my dietary and exercise regimens.
Thanks for checking in, as always. I look forward to seeing you all again next Monday. I'll be back refreshed and ready to provide new and improved content, and hopefully, be a few pounds lighter.
Be well,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/banana, fresh blueberries and almond milk
Lunch ~ My homemade chili (look for the recipe on 9/13)
Snack ~ Beef jerky
Exercise ~ TBD
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