Weigh-in: Week 31
Hey, you! Welcome back! It feels right to be sitting here again after my week-long hiatus. I accomplished little of what I proclaimed would fill my time freed by no blog writing. I chose instead to relax, unwind and engage in introspection. My head has needed some clearing and I have it screwed on proper for my return to TDT195. There is some new material planned for the these pages and a few new recipes. I actually cooked often over the last week. That's something accomplished right there. Don't be so hard on yourself, Mike. Healthy meals at home helped to balance a couple of meals out. I did enjoy my time "off", but I am happy to be back into day-to-day writing.
The week was kind to me and my scale by producing a 1.6 lb. loss, bringing me down to the 290.8 lbs. and a total of 72.6 lbs. shed. I am very ready to leave the 290s behind and get to the magical 75 total lbs. lost. There is no magic of course, but it will be kind of cool to just say the words "Why yes! I have lost weight, thank you very much. I've lost 75 lbs!" It sounds significant and fills me with pride. Weight loss tip: Don't only feed your body properly, but feed your ego through success.
The water percentage held at 38.7% and my body fat dropped to 46.1% from 46.4% last week.
Thanks for checking back in with me and not forgetting about my efforts here. I will leave you today with a shout out to TB in Bordentown, NJ, who made me laugh today. She said she had read that nutrition was as easy as making sure you eat a variety of colors, using reds, greens, yellows, etc. Her solution was having M&M's for breakfast. HA! I'm sure she was kidding and it was worth a very good chuckle. Thanks, TB.
Cya tomorrow,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ An Egg MikeMuffin w/chicken sausage, 1 egg and ultra-thin sliced cheese on whole grain toast
Lunch ~ To celebrate my five year anniversary at my job, we enjoyed sushi and some broiled tuna collar meat at Monster Sushi in Summit, NJ. Check this place out. It rocks!
Snack ~ Skinny latte and some almonds
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ TBD
Welcome back! H.