Feeling Sharp
My new wardrobe may be limited, but I have to say it is lifting my self-esteem. I feel like I look slimmer in these new duds. I am starting to feel more attractive. The wife told me today how "schmansome" I looked. That's her way of telling me I looked handsome. Last night someone told me I was wasting away to nothing. Certainly an overstatement, but I'll take the compliment. One of the regulars at our gig on Saturday hadn't seen me in a few months and was marveling at the differences. These things keep me walking tall. I look forward to heading out into the world when I can meet it with my head held high.
On the Move Again
Interesting how timing works out sometimes. Last night's blog mentioned that I felt I wasn't exercising enough and now that my knee and neck were starting to feel better, I should at least be walking. When I finished the blog and went into Facebook, there was a message waiting for me. It was from a friend, concerned with the lack of exercise reported in my blog. She told me how her husband, also a big man, was going to the gym six days a week and had managed to lose 30 lbs. I was touched by her concern and found it ironic that I had just finished writing on the same fact she felt compelled to hold me accountable on. Thanks, MA, and good luck on your surgery and recovery. Also, kudos to her husband, BA, for taking control of his weight situation. I am happy to report that I did walk around the lake tonight. All 2.8 miles of it. Tomorrow night my friend Alex and I will be doing it again. This weather makes it soooo much more enjoyable.
I don't have specific expectations on what my body will do, but I have some ideas of where I'd like to be in certain situations. It's part of my visualization process. I've mentioned in the past that I truly believe in the "see it and be it" school of thought. Right now I am seeing myself at around 275 for my 30th high school reunion in November and I visualize telling people at the holidays that I have lost 100 lbs. That means that hopefully I can be what I see; 263 lbs. at Christmas.
Cya tomorrow for the best salad dressing ever,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 egg omelet, w/chicken sausage, onion and tomato
Lunch ~ Tandoori chicken and four bean pasta salad
Dinner ~ Rotisserie chicken and salad
Snack ~ 1 banana
Exercise ~ 2.8 miles around the lake
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