Daily Report: 09.05.13
Let's see if we can make this the first exercise in brevity. Here's a snapshot of my day and how I fared in my quest for clean living. All in all it was a pretty good day. Admittedly, I felt like shite yesterday morning and I am thinking it might have been a touch of detox from all of the crap I have been taking in. Today I felt real good. For the past few weeks I have felt like I was tightly packed into the newer clothes I purchased over the last few months. Today I finally didn't feel like the Michelin Man.
I ate very well today, got my exercise in and I'm feeling good about myself. Who could ask for anything more?
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Nature's Path Ancient Grains w/almond milk and coffee with fat-free 1/2 & 1/2.
Lunch ~ Garden Burger Chipotle Black Bean burger on a multi-grain sandwich round w/ketchup.
Mid-Afternoon ~ Coffee with a milk and a touch of cinnamon.
Dinner ~ Pictured here is my dinner that came in just a hair over 300 calories. Made with several ingredients from my fridge that I classified as "Use or Lose", it is grilled eggplant w/a smattering of fat-free feta and marinara sauce. Accompanying the eggplant was kale sauteed with onion, garlic and red pepper flakes, mixed with the same marinara. Overall, not a bad effort for a fridge raid dinner. Certainly healthy and there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
Exercise ~ About a 35-minute brisk walk with The Wife.
*Note from yesterday's blog ~ I didn't make it through the whole 3 mile walking video. I did over two miles and, by my estimate, burned over 450 calories, far exceeding my 300-per-day goal.
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