Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Life Should Be Sweeter

Tabitha has forever been after me about my use of artificial sweeteners.  Splenda has long been my poison of choice... and therein lies the rub.  Apparently, it could be my poison.  The more I read on the science of artificial sweeteners and how they are metabolized, the more I think I should walk away.  Studies have shown that a key ingredient in Splenda, sucralose, supposedly turns to something quite different when it reaches 88ºF... formaldehyde.  Well at least if it kills me, I will be well preserved.

Entire books have been written on the subject of the whole Splenda/FDA "cover up".  Formaldehyde poisoning expresses itself in Multiple Sclerosis-like symptoms and muscle deterioration.  Symptoms that seem to reverse somewhat upon exclusion of the artificial sweeter.  

I take my coffee sweet, love my Snapple Diet Peach Iced Tea and turning to actual sugar doesn't seem like a viable alternative, given its caloric impact.  And before you suggest it in the comments section, I flat out do not like Stevia.  It leaves an odd aftertaste.

My take on this was always that I didn't consume enough of it to make a difference.  I'm still not sure I do, but it's on my radar.  It would be a pity to morph myself into a fit corpse or, ironically, a fit disabled person. What to do?  What to do?

Cya tomorrow,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Cereal with almond milk
Lunch ~ Starbucks Protein Bistro Box and a Skinny Decaf Caramel Macchiato
Dinner ~ Thai Shrimp Bisque and some brown rice. This recipe ROCKED.  Click the link and make it for your family.  The brown rice was a very good addition.
Exercise ~ 2 mile Sansone walking video

1 comment:

  1. Formaldehyde is also a main ingredient in Cocaine. You're better off drinking gasoline. Eric of Zipf
