Normally you would see a picture of the scale from this morning. That picture does exist on my phone and will be posted later this week. I am choosing not to post it today because I would like my readers to listen to my words and understand where my head is. Pictures tend to draw the eye and the typical reader (myself included) would feel they heard the story's ending, why bother hearing the whole tale.
I mentioned in Sunday's post a rule of thumb that I thought might apply today. Bonus points for those of you who read it and saw foreshadowing. That rule of thumb is, "Weight goes on MUCH faster than it comes off." Given that truism, I know that one month of VERY hard work and diligence might not right the wrongs which I inflicted upon myself all summer long. Just know this, dear reader: I am totally determined to hit my goal weight, totally proud of what I have achieved to date, and totally in the right frame of mind to finish this sucker in grand style. True success is measured by how you meet what lies ahead of you, not by letting the past cripple you. I can't change the last three months. I can change the rest of my life.
So where does that lead us? To the scale, of course. This morning after my trip to the bowl, a shave, some Q-Tipping, blowing my nose, clipping my nails. a hair cut, and a chemical peel (Okay, I am exaggerating.), I stepped atop the scale and saw that I am, indeed, heavier than I was back on May 7th. To be exact, I am 4.8 lbs. heavier, torturing the scale at 266.4 lbs. I think I heard a sigh of relief when I stepped off. Body fat percentage was 39.9% and water 43.2%. I did work my ass off in September, so much so that I do notice significant changes in my body. It is very motivating. I am okay with all of this. I will build upon September and keep moving in the right direction from here forward.
Thanks for listening, not judging, and supporting me always. It means the world to me.
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 eggs, one slice of whole grain toast and some pesto, jumbled up in a bowl.
Lunch ~ An Amy's Light and Lean Bowl. Some sort of frozen tortilla fiesta thing. Tasty and reasonably satisfying.

Exercise ~ None. Still nursing a bad back.
You can do it! I'm behind you, Mike!
ReplyDelete-- Terri
Found myself holding my breath reading today's post...great news. H.