Sunday, March 18, 2012

A.L.O.E. Sunday ( A Little Of Everything) 03.18.12

Sunday is clean up time.  Time for me to put down short thoughts that occur to me during the week, address questions I’ve had from the reading audience or just plain ramble. Mostly ramblings tonight, so welcome to A.L.O.E for Sunday, March 18, 2012.
Hey, Stranger…
While at a party on Saturday, I had two very nice women come up to me and tell me that they were reading the blog and they admired what I was doing.  One told me of her battles and successes with her own weight issues and how she related to my struggle.  I am moved by my family and friends that been keeping up with my daily diatribes, but I have to tell you, when practical strangers come up to you and tell you they read your stuff every day, it is quite a rush.  It’s not at all an ego thing.  It’s that people I don’t know can relate to my journey and are rooting for me.  It’s humbling, actually and very encouraging.  This is one reason I always urge people to share the blog.  Bloggergirl45 has done a great job of spreading the word, hence the two compliments yesterday.  I have always truly known that I wasn’t alone, but we that suffer in silence never grasp that until someone taps you shoulder and says, “I empathize with your situation.  Keep up the good work.”
Battle of Wounded Knee
My knee has bothered me these past few days, just a little.  My left knee has some pain when going up stairs, but not when walking.  The wife thinks I am doing too much and that I should listen to my body  and go easier.  It would seem my back is hurting less when I walk and I pushed through that intial discomfort of exercise.  I think the body is going to push back a tad while I get used to this.  I’ll keep an eye on this and keep you posted. 
Burn, Baby, Burn
Did you know that you never really burn fat cells?  When you exercise or reduce caloric intake, you don’t actually burn the fat cells themselves.  What you are doing is shrinking the fat cells.  Emptying the sack as it were.  Even when shrunk, those cells have the potential to grow in size again.  The only way to get rid of the fat cells is through medical procedures such as liposuction. The same is true for muscle.  You don’t lose or gain muscle.  It’s all about density of muscle tissue.  As you exercise, muscles get more dense.  If you remain sedentary for prolonged periods of time, the muscle will lose density and the fat cells will regain their mass.  So, it is a fallacy that muscle turns to fat when we stop working out.  Stay fit.  A fit body burns fat (not fat cells) more efficiently than an unfit one.
Tomorrow is weigh-in #6.  Will the scales move?  We’ll see.
Cya then,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 delicious leftover Multigrain banana nut pancakes.
Lunch ~ Salmon cake sandwich on a whole grain sandwich thin. (See recipe from Thursday’s blog)
Dinner ~ A bowl of spicy Thai soup with chicken and 2 sushi rolls, 1 tuna and 1 vegetarian
Exercise ~ I rocked it out in the exercise department today.  I walked 2.52 miles on a wooded rocky path and then another 1.5 around the lake later today.  Over 4 miles today.  Yay me J

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