Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What's in My Head Wednesday, 03/07/2012

Welcome to WIMHW for March 7, 2012.  Things that are filling my oversized skull today will be spewed forth here for all to read about.  Please don’t think by me saying I have an oversized skull that I am conceitedly boasting I am uber smart.  Not that at all.  It’s that my wife tells me I have considerably large noggin.

 One of the key aspects of The Drive to 195 is that by building a network of readers I have created a de facto group of sponsors in the style of a twelve step program.  A particular feature that I think is lacking in my model is that of experience.  Traditionally, sponsors are those that not only promote accountability and provide a sounding board, but also lend their experience to the person to whom they are mentoring.  What I ask of you folks out there in my cyber program is to share your experience.  I would especially love to hear from those of you who may have overcome some of your own demons or perhaps just some advice you feel is pertinent.  Ideally, that would be in the comments section below, but if you prefer to do it privately I’d still very much welcome your input.  For private comments, feel free to use my personal email address;  If you think that something you saw here was helpful, something you related to, you’d like to simply to tell me that I am full of sh*t or just give me a virtual pat on the back,  bring it on.  All opinions and inputs are welcome.
I’ve been wondering if some of my food choices might turn off the average reader.  I eat a great deal of beans, veggies, tofu and exotic cuisine that many people don’t get into.  I think I am fortunate to have a fairly broad palate.  I don’t plan on changing my meals to suit the blog, but do things like tofu, Thai or Indian food make my experience less ‘relatable’?  I am hoping to learn my audience and get a feel for what you get out of the posts.  For instance, tonight the wife made an Indian dish called ‘channa saag’ (spicy chick peas with spinach).  Would someone read that and say, “I wouldn’t eat the things that Mike is eating.” and be less inclined to come back?  Just something I have been pondering.
Lastly today, thanks to all who sent forth ideas for titles to Sunday’s mixed bag posts.  There were some great ideas sent in and I have decided on a title.  Each Sunday I will put up bits and pieces of shorter topics that wouldn’t fill out an entire blog post.  They can be shout-outs, tips and tricks that I have learned or anything at all I’d like to share.  Basically, a little of everything.  Hence the new title for the Sunday’s offering will be A.L.O.E (A Little Of Everything).

Thanks for swinging by today.
Cya tomorrow,

What I ate and how I exercised today:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/Almond Vanilla Silk and a fresh fruit salad of banana, blueberries and pink grapefruit
Lunch ~ Lunch with the Mrs. at Asia, one of our favorites. I enjoyed Tom Yum soup (spicy Thai soup with crispy veggies) w/chicken and a vegetarian maki roll.
Mid-afternoon treat ~ Iced, grande decaf Skinny Latte

Dinner ~ Spicy chickpeas with spinach, aka channa saag
Exercise ~ I got an iPhone courtesy of my best friend Doug.  I wanted music to walk with today.  It took me too damn long to set up my iTunes.  No walking today.


  1. I'm not gonna lie. I'm intimidated by tofu. I don't know how to cook it or buy it. The rest of your food gives me great ideas on new stuff to make!
    Keep it comin! :-)

  2. I've made peace with tofu and love indian food. I can't do the sushi because I'm immune suppressed and it's a no-no. I must share that I have gotten some really good chicken recipes out of the WW cookbook that came with my kit. I pay extra for certified humane chicken which helps me continue to cook meat for the family where I would probably try to phase it out altogether were I by myself. Last night's recipe consisted of taking a 4oz chicken breast, slicing it open and stuffing it with 1 chopped sundried tomato, 1/2 oz ff mozzarella, chopped basil, salt and pepper. Then spreading low fat mayo on top and dipping it in panko. Baked for 25 minutes and it was so delicious. It had 187 calories (4 ww points). As I make good stuff, I'll share. Cheers!

  3. Carly, tofu is a sponge for whatever flavors you are cooking with. I suggest you start with an extra firm variety. Cut it up in 1/2" cubes, let it steep in some soy, sesame oil, and garlic for a while. Crisp it up in a hot pan and add it to a stir fry. I am glad you are willing to try new things and that the blog is encouraging for you. Thanks so much.

  4. Sounds good Megan. I think I will try that sometime soon. Thanks!
