Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 4 Weigh-in

Today is Monday and that can only mean one thing.  Weigh-in day!  Once a week I weigh in and show you the results.  No BS.  Good or bad, it goes up here in the blog, keeping it real.  This last week has seen a good bit of walking, almost all my meals at home and not one bit of cheating…okay, if you were at the Whole Foods Market in Madison on Saturday you may have seen me stab a toothpick into a 5mm cube of aged cheddar that even a mouse would’ve thought chintzy, but that’s all.  I promise!

This morning, with the usual rituals on weigh-in day, I did all my bathroom pregame maneuvers, did a microdermabrasion and checked for bellybutton lint for the lightest load possible.  I stepped aboard Mr. Escali (We Italians are a very loyal lot.  I have an Italian scale.) and the results are pictured here.  340.8 lbs. as of this morning.  For those keeping score, that is 22.6 lbs in the first 4 weeks.  Am I happy with this week’s loss?  Sure, I am.  Did I want more?  Obese folks always want more.  In everything we do.  It’s the nature of the beast.  But I know I did my best and after 4 weeks I am just over 13% of goal.  That’s pretty cool, I’d say.

Cya tomorrow,

Here is what I ate today and how I exercised:

Breakfast ~ Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Raisin Bran w/Vanilla Almond Silk

Lunch ~ Gardenburger Black Bean Chipotle veggie burger w/roasted pepper on a whole wheat sandwich thin.

Dinner ~ A huge mixed green salad with tuna, cannellini beans, sprouts, carrots, radishes and onion w/red wine vinaigrette.  Roasted kabocha, red pepper and tomato.  Note: If you think I am forcing myself to eat these salads for dietetic purposes, think again.  I LOVE this salad.  The tuna, white beans and onion taste so good with the red wine vinegar.

Exercise ~ I didn’t walk today.  Instead I opted for some house-cleaning before making dinner.  I’ll get in 7.7 miles before the week is out.  10% more than last week.

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