This morning, with the usual rituals on weigh-in day, I did all my bathroom pregame maneuvers, did a microdermabrasion and checked for bellybutton lint for the lightest load possible. I stepped aboard Mr. Escali (We Italians are a very loyal lot. I have an Italian scale.) and the results are pictured here. 340.8 lbs. as of this morning. For those keeping score, that is 22.6 lbs in the first 4 weeks. Am I happy with this week’s loss? Sure, I am. Did I want more? Obese folks always want more. In everything we do. It’s the nature of the beast. But I know I did my best and after 4 weeks I am just over 13% of goal. That’s pretty cool, I’d say.

Cya tomorrow,
Here is what I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Raisin Bran w/Vanilla Almond Silk
Lunch ~ Gardenburger Black Bean Chipotle veggie burger w/roasted pepper on a whole wheat sandwich thin.
Dinner ~ A huge mixed green salad with tuna, cannellini beans, sprouts, carrots, radishes and onion w/red wine vinaigrette. Roasted kabocha, red pepper and tomato. Note: If you think I am forcing myself to eat these salads for dietetic purposes, think again. I LOVE this salad. The tuna, white beans and onion taste so good with the red wine vinegar.
Exercise ~ I didn’t walk today. Instead I opted for some house-cleaning before making dinner. I’ll get in 7.7 miles before the week is out. 10% more than last week.
How excellent!