Welcome back, weight loss fans. Another week in the books and here I sit on the couch, grinding out another Sunday entry of this 'n that. A Little Of Everything Sunday, comin' at ya.
Octoberfest Recap
If you have been following along with the blog at all, you know that I have gone vegetarian for this month. Ovo-lacto-pescatarian to be more exact. A dry ovo-lacto-pescatarian to be more exact. No meat or alcohol, but some eggs, fish and a small amount of dairy. Yesterday was my ONE day this month that I allowed myself to stray. How did I do? Well, let's take a look at what I downed. TOO MUCH! Keep in mind I was at this party for around 7.5 hours and this basically covered two meals, but call a spade a spade. It was too much. Along with 5 beers over that time, I had about 18 Little Neck clams, 1 piece of my Dijon rosemary chicken, 1 slice of pepperoni bread, a cup of venison chili, a few slices of venison sausage, a small taste of chicken pot pie casserole and about 1/3 of a burger patty (no roll). All-in-all too much. Take away the casserole and the pepperoni bread and beer and I would have been okay with saying this was a good TDT195 day. As it was, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I was back on the right path today.
Surprise Test
I got a text from my niece last night asking us to join them for best friend Doug's last minute birthday party. On the menu? Fondue and salad. WHAT? That's a scary test for me. Not as bad as it might seem. "Fondue" refers to the pot or method, not necessarily cheese. And this wasn't a cheese fondue. Fondue can be a pot of hot oil used to cook small tidbits of food, such as beef, chicken, vegetables, etc. Today there were all of those available as well as tofu, shrimp and mushrooms. I opted for everything but the meats and was sure to blot my freshly cooked morsels on my napkin, prior to devouring them. Before to the feast and during the game, I passed on the beer offered and chose water, ate about 6 tortilla chips with either salsa or guacamole and about 6 multi-grain crackers. I give myself an A- for today. Once again, this was in place of 2 meals. Oops! I forgot dessert. Doug was nice enough to make a special slushy for me comprising of frozen strawberries and blueberries. Thanks, Doug!
Teen Angst
There was a piece in local papers and on the news this week about one of my town's two high schools' cafeteria. Parsippany Hills High School students held a protest of their cafeteria on Friday by brown-bagging their lunch instead of purchasing the fare provided by the school's lunchroom vendor. Why? Cue the First Lady, Michelle Obama. What does Mrs. O. have to do with this? Her "Let's Move" initiative calls for more veggies and less protein and bread. That movement (no pun intended) prompted new laws governing school lunch content and funding. The revised menus in the school, as part of new federal laws, have fewer calories, more vegetables and, as a result, the students find them less filling. They want their bigger meals back. A turkey sandwich now has 1/3 less meat and 1/3 less bread than before, but the meals still come in at around 800 calories. What will come of this if the protest continues? Layoffs of cafeteria personnel is my guess. Little more. Hopefully the meals the kids bring with them aren't bags of crap that will undo what this one decent federal law tries to achieve. From TDT195 News, I'm Mike Accardi reporting.
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts Cereal w/craisins and almond milk
Lunch/Dinner ~ See above
Snacking on the couch at night ~ My hot and sweet carrot pickles. YUM!
Exercise ~ None
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