Hello, peeps. I'll keep this kind of brief tonight, because here it is 10:15 and I still have some work to do before a busy day on the road tomorrow. It's midweek again and that means it is time to see What's In My Head this Wednesday.
Fail To Plan...
And you plan to fail, is what they say. True. True. True. These past few weeks I have felt a touch overwhelmed with my whole meal planning and preparation process. Hold that thought. I know you can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but why don't you ever hear anyone say "You know what? I am just so comfortably whelmed right now." Okay. Back to the point. We all know how much I preach about cooking and eating at home. I've been guilty of a good deal of hypocrisy in October. We seem to be eating out a great deal and often it is because I didn't take time out to not only plan my menus for the week, but to purchase for them. Frankly, sometimes I just want someone to cook for me and not have the burden of being the meal giver. I need to get back on track in that department. Perhaps next week I can be comfortably whelmed with my home-cooked meals.
Upcoming Topics
I think I need to do a piece on how we set goals for ourselves. I have come to a epiphany as of late that everyone has the wrong idea of what it means to lose weight. When I say everyone, I literally mean everyone. I love hearing from people that say they have been following the blog and that their weight is down. Unfortunately, they focus on the weight loss, itself and not the lifestyle changes that will carry them long term. Even of they hit their number, they will be screwed once they realize their efforts were all about deprivation and not a new way of thinking. I think that will be in Friday's entry. Stay tuned...
Book Stuff
I'm trying to piece in my mind what I would like to convey to a reader, should this blog become a book someday. I made a breakthrough with a concept, just yesterday and I would like to share it. I think what I do here is mostly pass along what I consider to be common sense ideas about what it means to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle from a food perspective. A good part of book could be dedicated to rules of thumb that I use to go along with the "common sense" theories I espouse. For instance, I don't make myself crazy over exact calories, but I do like to have a idea of where I am in the course of a day. I find it helpful to think of each piece of bread as 100 calories, an egg as 70 calories, my cereal at 250 calories, etc. That is just one of my rules of thumb that carry me through the day. I think that these rules would useful to anyone trying to get trimmer.
So much for brief. Cya Thursday for my frittata recipe,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Amy's Tofu Scrambler hot-pocket like thingy
Lunch ~ I was not hungry or feeling well and I grabbed a Fiber One bar to just have something.
Snack ~ Skinny Vanilla Latte and some almonds
Dinner ~ I had a lovely dinner out with the wife and my god-daughter to celebrate her 20th birthday. I had the Jalapeno Lime Shrimp which I just saw had only 300 calories and an ASSLOAD of sodium. WOW. Almost 3000 mg! I also enjoyed an O'Doul's
Exercise ~ none
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