Wednesday, October 17, 2012

W.I.M.H.W. 10.17.12

It was nice to have my first Tuesday off.  As you likely know, I removed Tuesdays from my writing schedule and I have to say, I enjoyed just relaxing last night after a walk around the lake and dinner out.  Tonight it is back to the business at hand.  It's the middle of the week and time once again for What's In My Head Wednesday.

Healthy as a Horse
Hot, then cold.  Hot, then cold.  The temperatures have been back and forth quite a bit over the last month.  There was a time when I would almost always get an ear infection when the weather turned like this.  At the very least, a sore throat would accompany Indian Summer or a quick move into winter.  These days, I feel quite strong.  I am sure that my improved lifestyle has a great deal to do with it.  The garbage I used to put into my body would only make it more susceptible to illnesses.  Now I am giving myself proper defense via my balanced diet.  Add another benefit added to the long list why I am doing this.

What a Waist
It would seem that the clothes I bought recently are fast becoming loose.  For instance, the size 54 jeans I started wearing just a month, or so, are now pretty roomy.  When I first got them, they were on the snug side.  The hardest thing today is keeping myself properly attired for work.  Also, with entertaining gigs and my thirtieth class reunion on the horizon, I have to think about some nicer casual outfits.  I think it is time for a trip to the Walmart to see if I can look sharp on the cheap.

Sitting Isn't the Same
This may sound strange, but who stole my cushion?  Not a pillow or a pad, but MY cushion?  Lately when I am in the car or on the couch, the reduced amount of padding in my keister makes me a tad unsettled.  I'm not saying that I now have a bony ass... far from it.  But there is certainly a noticeable change in my comfort level.  I guess as my glutious maximous becomes my glutious minimous it will be even more discernible.  The other day I was driving along, sure that I had left something on the seat beneath me.  When I checked, there was nothing there.  At least I know that when I hit 195, I won't be a male version of J Lo or whoever else is known for having extra junk in the trunk these days.

Cya Thursday,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ A 2 egg omelet w/mushrooms, onions and tomato
Lunch ~ An ALT sandwich.  Avocado, Lettuce and Tomato with a squeeze of lime, some sea salt and onion on whole grain toast.
Snack ~ A Fiber One bar
Dinner ~ Seen here is butternut squash and crispy tofu in a Thai green curry sauce over rice.  Also, a little broccoli.
Exercise ~ 30 minutes on the treadmill

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