Lighten Up Francis
Yes. My middle name is Francis, but this isn't about me. The woman I speak of isn't even named Frances. I would like Jennifer Livingston of WKBT in Wisconsin to lighten up. She is a news anchor at Channel 8 News and recently received an email which called her out for being fat and setting a bad example for youth by being an obese public figure. This email was done privately, to her alone, and while not very kind, used no name calling and was just plain insensitive. Ms. Livingston took over 4 minutes of her station's time to call out this so-called "bully" and used this upsetting email as a platform to decry bullies everywhere. Who was bullied? The definition of bully I found is as follows: A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. This guy holds no power over her and is not trying to intimidate her. I'm sorry, folks. Insulting or telling someone your opinion of them does not constitute bullying. As an obese person myself, I can say that what the emailer stated wasn't totally off the mark. It wasn't constructive and it was hurtful. Does her being an obese public figure set a bad example? Maybe. Bullying? No. Lighten up, Jennifer.
View the video here and let me now what you think.
Three Cheers For The Losers
I hear from you folks frequently about weight you have lost and how some of you have been inspired to do so from my efforts. If that doesn't warm one's cockles, what would? I love hearing that. So I would like to shout out to Megan, Sharon and Bill for their efforts and successes in improving their lives. The ladies let me know that TDT195 helped helped spur them on. I can't speak for Mr. Bill. I don't know if it was the blog that motivated him, but I am proud of him all the same. Also, kudos to Steve for his 45 lbs. lost this summer. You all inspire me to keep going.
Yesterday, But Today
I got slammed with issues and as a result, yesterday's blog post went up at around 4:30 PM today. If you haven't read it, please do. It gives some insight into addictions. My insights mind you and I am not a trained professional, but I think my thoughts are on the money. Why not give it a read?
Cya tomorrow for a minestrone recipe,
What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ 2 scrambled eggs w/onion and tomato
Lunch ~ a Boca Burger w/tomato, lettuce, lite mayo, ketchup and pickle on a whole grain deli flat
Exercise ~ If I can get my PC working properly, I will get on the treadmill. but mark me for none, given the likelihood of that.
TY Bro. The doctor telling me that my blood work was "becoming diabetic" was enough for me. Time for me to stop wanting to be healthier and to start BEING healthier. And I can justify golf to the boss as an exercise outlet.... :-) Luv ya man, keep up the good work.