Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Get Right Back To Where You Started From

One of the reasons for me taking a week off from writing was to regroup.  Having been somewhat stalled for the last month, I found the mind plays tricks and you can tend to get lazy.  I needed to step back away from this all and assess the genuine nature of my recent efforts.  I needed to metaphorically look in the mirror at myself.  Was I giving this my all during these summer months?  In review, I am happy with how I have molded my new lifestyle and, if anything, the one area I was lacking in was my exercise.  I'll work on that.  I should have walked more.

Upon reflection, I got to thinking of my early successes that really helped propel me forward.  What did I do then that now I might have altered?  What I decided to do in order to drive that point home was to go back to the beginning and actually read what I had written.  Once I ship something off into the cyber world, I don't generally read it again.  When you blog each day, it is easy to forget what was documented.  It all blends together. That is good in many ways because it has all helped forge your day-to-day life, but the edges get dull and you need to hone your skills once again.  So that is what I will be doing moving forward.  Getting back to basics and reading what I had to say back in February, March, etc.

I am sure I will cringe at the typos and there will be times I'll cry out "What the hell was I trying to say?", but, for the most part those entries will remind me of how I got this far and I will likely re-institute methods that were initially meant for the jump-start period.  I did go for a few months without drinking and without meat.  It was very effective.  I may do that for stretches in these dozen or so weeks bringing me into the holidays.  Oh...the holidays.  Won't that be a challenge?  I guess I have a few months to reinvent some classics to make them more TDT195 friendly.  Well, that will certainly be fun.

Cya tomorrow,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ One seven grain blueberry pancake, lean ham steak and decaf
Lunch ~ Half a grilled chicken sandwich and tomato basil soup
Dinner ~ Homemade chili (recipe this Thursday) w/penne and one ultra-thin slice of cheddar
Exercise ~ None

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