Thursday, June 28, 2012

Food Thursday 06.28.12

I am spent right now.  So tired.  A very busy day is coming to a close.  I started with a business breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and haven't stopped until just now at 9:20 p.m.  I managed to get all my work done, make a  vegetable lasagna to bring to my aunt's house this weekend and then cleaned up the aftermath.  But, dear reader, I am not too tired to take care of you with good food.  Real good food.  Today we have a smoothie that will please everyone in your house from the kids to the adults.  Maybe even Rover, although I wouldn't recommend it.  Enjoy this sweet treat.

Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Smoothie
I had a hankering for something cold and sweet last week.  I looked in my fridge to see what could sate my craving.  We had some frozen bananas and almond milk.  I had my Vitamix, the ultimate blender.  Sounds like the makings of a smoothie to me!  What else could I add to the mix to punch this up and keep the calories and fat in check?  A touch of cocoa powder, two packets of Splenda and some peanut butter would do the trick.  I also had some blueberries that were in the category of "use it or lose it."  You won't taste the berries, but they will add some extra nutritional value.  Man, this was delicious.  Just add all of the ingredients below and blend until smooth.  If you would like it thicker, use less almond milk.  Thinner, a touch more almond milk or an extra ice cube.  What a great treat that comes in at 178 calories per serving.  This recipe makes 2 servings, because you have to share something this delicious.

1 frozen banana
1 Tbs cocoa powder
2 packets Splenda or your favorite sweetener
1/4 cup fresh blueberries
1.5 Tbs organic smooth peanut butter
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (sub fat free milk if you like)
2 ice cubes

Look for Friday's "How Did I Get Here" on Saturday morning.
Cya then,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Decaf coffee, steak w/2 eggs over and dry wheat toast
Lunch ~ Grilled chicken Caesar salad
Mid-afternoon ~ Grande Decaf Mocha Lite Frappaccino
Dinner ~ Leftover chicken corn soup
Exercise ~ on my feet a lot today.  I did do anything one could call 'exercise'


  1. Just way too much sugar in that smoothie you had. Eliminate the sugar, especially the Splenda, which will never help you lose all your weight. Eat real food.

  2. Anon, I am not sure where you see way too much sugar here. This is meant as an occasional treat and certainly shouldn't be enjoyed often. In fact, there are only 17g carbohydrates per serving. While I understand your stance on Splenda, I am okay with moderate use. If you chose not to use it, I salute you. As for my success, I appreciate your concern. You needn't have any though.

  3. one banana, one heaping spoonful of pb, almond milk to desired thickness... all else is superfluous and will either add or detract depending on personal taste. I drink these regularly and am sorry I did not introduce you to them sooner.
