Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What's In My Head Wednesday 06.13.12

It's been a long day of meetings, emails and phone calls.  When I finally got finished with as much as I could do, I made dinner, ate and then headed out to hit some golf balls in preparation for tomorrow's golf outing in Long Island.  Guess it will be another long day with another late blog post on Thursday.  Here's what's in my tired head today.

Like A Surgeon
I called the surgeons that I am considering for my future body lift procedure.  I figured that they might be booked far in advance, so I'd get an early jump on it.  I am going to need A LOT of work done.  I was shocked when I was told that they don't want to see me until I hit my goal weight.  I figured that it would be done in stages, but what do I know?  Apparently not.  Bottom line, I guess I won't have a consult until I am in the neighborhood of 220.  I am assuming there may as much as 25 lbs of extra skin to remove once I am done.  Who knows?  I may hit goal on the table.

I went to the range tonight because I have played very little golf in recent years.  I wanted to hit a bucket of balls and try not to embarrass myself tomorrow.  I asked for the large bucket thinking it would be about 80 balls.  Wrong!  140 balls later, I am sore and tired.  The good part is that as I was going along, I thought I would never finish that bucket, but I got through it with a sense of pride.  I not only was hitting the ball better than I remember, but I had more stamina than I would have not too long ago.  I find it remarkable how having so much less in the way of my swing makes a big difference.  I can get my arms in a comfortable position much better with my reduced waist and chest.

Cya tomorrow,

What I ate today and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Egg Mikemuffin: 1 egg, 1 slice of ham and a roasted tomato compote on a multi-grain sandwich round
Lunch ~ Steam shrimp and mixed vegetables on brown rice, w/brown sauce on the side
Dinner ~ Yesterday's dinner post never happened.  The wife and I ate at Panera, where I had lemon orzo soup and a vegetable sandwich.  Tonight I had the eggplant stew.
Exercise ~ 140 balls at the range was quite the full body workout.

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