Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's In My Head Wednesday 03.21.12

Hello again.  It's WIMHW for a pleasantly warm spring day and I have a few things running around between my ears I'd like to share.  Wednesday at TDT195 is a 'feelings' kind of day. I am going to have that freaking awful 1974 Morris Albert song in my head.  I only mention it so you can share my pain and curse me later on tonight when he is singing in your brain, too.  "Feelings.  Nothing more than, feelings..."

How Much is That Fat Doggy in the Window?

I was walking through a shopping center today and caught a glimpse of myself in a storefront window.  I've never been comfortable with looking at pictures of myself.  Seeing my fat ass in a picture window ain't any different.  I was already coming off a ding to the ego from an hour earlier, when a store clerk at Batteries Plus offered to help me.  As he was coming around the counter, I saw that telltale shift of the eyes toward my beltline expanse that said "Woe! He's a biggun'!"  Now, as I walked over to the Health Shoppe to pick up a few items I can't always find in my local grocery, I saw that huge guy that looks eerily like me, mirroring my moves.  We obese people often have a distorted view of ourselves.  The movies in my head usually have me played by someone more like John Travolta than John Candy.  Seeing different and being shocked back into reality stings.  Even at my heaviest, ten years ago, I was in denial when I saw a picture I got caught in.  I say 'caught' because I would seldom, if ever, subject myself to the honesty of the camera lens.  They say the camera adds ten pounds but how did they get those ten cameras to take that one picture of me?  Things like this motivate me even more to get healthy and hopefully easier on the eyes.  If no one else's eyes, at least my own.

I Want More Sir...

Actually, I don't want more.  I feel very content with the amount that I am eating and the quality of the nutrition in my repertoire.  I have gotten some comments that I am not eating enough or not getting enough protein.  Let me assure you, I am keeping a keen eye on my health and trying to have a balanced, nutritious way of life.  I feel good.  Not bouncing off the walls with energy good, but certainly better than I felt when I was scarfing down over 3000 calories a day.  I will be scheduling a physical for myself in June, I think.  Have the oil checked and stay on top of things.  So, please don't worry about me.  I'm doing my body good.

Call me a Twit...ter

I have been considering for a while now finding a way to expand our audience and spread the message I feel the blog represents.  There was a time when I was an 'Anti-Twittite'.  I thought Twitter was kind of stupid, actually.  I don't need to know that someone just now found a pimple on their butt shaped like Lincoln or the lady at the bank had her skirt tucked in her cheeks.  Using Twitter would be TMI.  Another side of me thought that since this process of becoming half the man I used to be (less than half actually) was an everyday, all day struggle, perhaps those who read my blog might be interested in my thoughts or moments like the ones noted above.  For that reason, today I established a Twitter account for The Drive to 195 and it is called...wait for it... @TheDriveto195.  Clever huh?  If you would like, subscribe to the feed and I will occasionally let you know what's in my head or things I've experienced, relevant to the process.  I promise it will be only occasionally.  I'm not that into myself, trust me.  On a similar note, the blog now has its own email address.  You can contact me at:

Here is what I ate today and how I exercised:

Breakfast ~ Kashi Island Vanilla cereal w/1 banana and unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Lunch ~ Like on Seinfeld, the big salad.  Mixed greens with tuna, white beans and other goodies.  Tomorrow, in Cooking Thursday, I will list a few recipes for homemade salad dressings.

Mid-afternoon treat ~ Iced decaf skinny Mocha

Dinner ~ A Boca Burger on a whole grain sandwich round and some steamed sweet tater.

Exercise ~ Another day off to rest my weary legs.  I'll log 2 miles tomorrow.

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