Monday, May 7, 2012

Weigh-in: Week 13

I was a little worried this morning, stepping on the scale.  You see, I cheated a little last week.  No, not in the sense of scarfing down a Big Mac or a cheesy Chalupa.  I went against the rules I set down for myself for TDT195.  Last Thursday morning I gave into my curiosity and stepped on the scale.  I took a mid-week peek at my progress.  I was just short of horrified when it showed a 2 lb. increase over Monday's reading.  

Let this prove that 13 weeks ago I didn't just suddenly turn into some caped crusader against corpulence, a weight loss superhero.  I am human and did something foolish.  I do stupid things sometimes.  There are those of you out there that are thinking, "Big deal.  He weighed himself."  Well, it is a big deal.  That blip could have easily sent me backsliding into a mild depressive state.  I am supposed to avoid such missteps.  I'll do my best not to give into temptation in the future.  One day it could be stepping on the scale, the next diving into a pepperoni pie.

Shock, elation and some disbelief, all at once upon mounting the scale this morning.  So much so that I made sure I weighed myself three times to be sure.  Each reading the same, 319.0 lbs.  Chalk up another win for the good guys.  I managed to lose 2.4 lbs this week and bring the 3 month total to 44.4.  Body fat has dropped another .6% to 61.1%.  Amazing how a big man can fluctuate so much in 4 days.  It's the Monday's that count though.  I'm eyeing that 50 lb. mark with just 9 more days until day 100.  I won't do anything different to hit it by then though.  That would just turn this whole program into a diet and we don't use the "D" word around here.

Cya tomorrow,

What I ate today and how I exercised:

Breakfast ~ Kashi 7 Grain Nuggets with fresh strawberry, banana and unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
Snack ~ Jack Link's Steak Nuggets (Beef Jerky).  It was a nugget kinda morning, I guess.
Lunch ~ Broiled Bronzino and veggies.
Afternoon snack ~ Grande Starbucks Mocha Lite Decaf Frappuccino
Dinner ~ TBD
Exercise ~ 20 minutes of mall walking