Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's In My Head Wednesday 08.01.12

Midweek, once again, and time for yours truly to do a brain dump.  This is what is on my mind this first day of August.  Okay, I'm late in writing this, so it's the second day in August.  But I promise you these things were on my mind yesterday too.  I treated myself to dinner with my best friend and a night at the Sands to play poker.  And yes, I won.

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
Or should I say brats?  The brutal honesty of kids has always been a reminder to me of my obesity.  Monday I received such a gem, issued in the form of an insult from a 7 year old boy.  I walked into my wife's main office to pick something up for her.  This place has always been like a daycare center with up to four toddlers at a time prowling the toy riddled space, sometimes replete with a kiddie pool, half filled in the middle of the room.  Like a rug-rat day spa.  This little monster popped out as I entered the door and called to his mother "Oh!  It's just a big fat guy."  "Just a big fat guy.", I repeated for benefit of his mother who was rounding the corner.  What I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue in deference to the fact that my wife works for the little shit's grandmother was "I got fat from eating rude little boys like you.  Arrrrrggghhhhh!"  His mom rolled her eyes and quietly said "I'm sorry."  You're sorry?!  Make HIM apologize for Pete's sake!  That little snot will always be rude and obnoxious because his mother lets him.  She should have admonished him on the spot and forced him to beg my forgiveness.  Maybe have him wax my car or something.  You'll be reading about him in your local papers as part of a bullying story in a about 7 years.  Mark my words.  I left more agitated than hurt, but reminded that I'm not there yet.  I will be soon though.

One of my readers and good friends called me out recently for some self-deprecating humor in my blog.  She said "No need to make fun of yourself though, others have done that for you long enough."  I do hope that what I see as a humorous aside doesn't make my readers uncomfortable.  This is a means of keeping the mood light, so folks do not get the feeling that when they come here it is a downer and Mike whining about his trials and tribulations.  I am okay with laughing at myself.  I have a good sense of humor and use it to cope or help others understand me.  If there are those of you out there that are made uneasy by this, please let me know.  As for me, I'm all good.

Cya later for a great quick and healthy jambalaya recipe,

What I ate Wednesday and how I exercised:
Breakfast ~ Kashi Go-Lean Crisp cereal w/almond milk
Lunch ~ On the road w/a McDonald's Grilled Chicken Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap (260 calories, 8g fat) and a big serving of some homemade gazpacho 
Mid-afternoon ~ Starbucks Mocha Lite Frappaccino and some almonds
Dinner ~ Some bread prior to steak and Brussels sprouts, decaf w/milk for dessert
Playing Poker Free Cocktail ~ 1 Southern Comfort on the rocks w/a lime wedge

1 comment:

  1. Self-confidence is when you can laugh at yourself, or make fun of yourself and not become depressed by it. You're a skilled writer - don't change a thing.
